Chapter 42

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Today was the F4's graduation day and I was meeting Sooyeon afterward with Meizuo to see what the DNA results were. I had met her a few days ago to take the DNA test and we were getting the results today.

I was dressed in a Layla wrap-effect polka-dot seersucker midi dress and some silver ankle strap heels. I had on some white-gold hoops and a matching white-gold necklace along with Meizuo's ring and a silver thin chain bracelet that Ximen had given me for Christmas.

I smoothed down my straight hair before grabbing my purse and car keys as I stepped out of my car to head for F4's building. I was walking up the stairs, with some flowers for the boys in a paper bag in my hand, when my phone rang.


"Shui? Where are you? Are you near?"

"I'm coming Zuo. I just arrived."

"Okay hurry up. It's a little bit crowded here already."

"Okay, Zuo. Bye." I said before hanging up.

I walked further and saw Ximen taking pictures with some of his juniors.

"Ximen!" I called out prompting him to look back and smile at me, excusing himself from the disappointed girls.

"Shui! Finally, you're here!" He said giving me a hug. I smiled before reaching in my paper bag and handing him a glass cube of sunflowers.

"Congratulations XiXi!" I said, prompting the older boy to smile and ruffle my hair.

"Thanks, ShuiShui!" He said as he continued to ruffle my hair, prompting me to swat it away.

"Shui." I looked back to see Ah Si behind me, giving me a sheepish smile.

"Hey, Ah Si." I said before hugging F4's leader. I gave him a kind smile and reached in my paper bag to take out another glass cube. This time, the cube encased a beautiful array of yellow roses.

"Congratulations Ah Si. I wish you happiness." I told him and he gave me a smile.

"Thanks, Shui." He said before giving me another hug. I smiled at Ah Si's happiness. I was still sad that he hadn't talked to Shancai yet and Lei was leaving tomorrow.

"Hey Ah Si, don't hug her too long or someone's gonna get jealous." Ximen teased making Ah Si and I laugh.

"Ahem. Can I get a hug from my girlfriend too?"

I smiled inwardly as Ah Si let me go and I slowly turned to face the pouty face of my boyfriend. I smiled at him teasingly.

"Mhm and who is your girlfriend? What does she look like?" I teased, looking up at me.

"Well, she's about this tall.." He said lifting his hand and laying it flat in the air just a little above my head.

"And she has long straight hair and these gorgeous brown eyes that I get lost in every time I look at her.." He continued as he ran his fingers through my hair and stared deeply into my eyes.

"But my favorite feature of hers is her adorable cheeks!" He exclaimed, pinching both my cheeks making me laugh as I tried to remove his hands from my cheeks.

"Zuo, let go!" I said in between laughter as he laughed with me. He let go eventually and kissed my forehead before hugging me tightly.

"Enough you two. Can you be sickly sweet somewhere else? You're making me vomit." Ximen prodded as we glared at him. Meizuo pouted and I kissed his cheek before handing him the cube of azaleas in my bag.

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