Chapter 34

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Lei and I headed for the cafeteria where the rest of the boys were waiting.

"Shuijing!" Ah Si called out as he greeted me with a hug, followed by Ximen. I hugged them back before walking over to Meizuo who greeted me with a quick kiss as he pulled out a chair for me.

"How are you feeling Shui?" Ximen asked as he handed me a lemon-flavored drink.

"I'm fine Ximen. Still a little confused but I'm okay." I reassured him as Meizuo handed me a plate of chicken and rice as he started to eat his own lunch.

"Where's Shancai?" I asked and they all looked to Ah Si who was silently grumbling and I laughed.

"What did you do this time?" I asked and he glared at me.

"Why do you always assume I did something?" He asked and my eyebrows raised. He sighed as he placed his chopsticks down.

"I didn't do anything this time okay? Mom did." He said and my face scrunched up in confusion.

"Auntie? What do you mean? What did she do?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'm engaged." He said and my eyes widened.

"What? With who? How? When?" I asked and Meizuo rubbed my shoulders to calm me down.

"He Yuan Zi. I had met her yesterday." He answered.

"The heiress of the He Group? The one with the oil and mining business?" I asked and he nodded.

"The only business lacking in our family is oil." Ah Si commented as he drank his juice.

"A commercial marriage to expand territory." I stated and Lei nodded in agreement.

"That's something she would do." He said.

"It's just one bomb dropped after another. First it was me with my parents and now you're engaged. What is this world coming to?" I stated and Meizuo pulled me closer and kissed my forehead in comfort.

"By the way, how's Xiaozi? What's she like?" Ximen curiously asked.

"Ah Si likes the hot-headed type, like Shancai. This kind of spoiled heiress should be sweet and silly." Meizuo stated.

"Sweet and silly? She's a monkey." Ah Si described.

"A monkey?" Lei asked.

"She climbs anything that resembles a tree and she even bites people's ears." Ah Si complained.

"Bites people's ears?" Ximen asked through laughter.

"What kind of interesting games were you playing?" Meizuo teased which made me elbow him and he winced before giving me a smile and pecking my cheek lightly.

"Cut it out. I'll go first." Ah Si said, clearly annoyed, before walking away.

"Ah Si's face is even redder than a monkey's butt." Ximen teased and I laughed before sighing. Another problem after another.

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The four of us went after Ah Si as he looked around the campus for Shancai. I looked around and saw Shancai walking towards us with a girl. I looked closer and realized who she was.

He Yuan Zi.

I walked over to Ah Si and tapped his shoulder.

"Ah Si, Shancai's over there." Meizuo and Ah Si nodded in thanks before he walked away, the 4 of us following behind him.

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