Chapter 27

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Meizuo was sleeping over in my room while Ximen stayed with Xiaoyou.


We all have separate beds okay? Just wanna clear that up before you guys get all judgemental and assume we're sleeping in the same bed.

Meizuo passed me a cup of hot chocolate while he went in the bathroom to change. I sighed as I sipped through it as I inhaled the sweet smell of the melted marshmallows.

"You okay?" Meizuo asked as he popped his head in from behind the bathroom door. I could see he wasn't wearing a shirt behind the door and tried my best not to stare at the bare skin and- Okay! Not the time!

"Yeah.." I said as I looked away from him and drank my hot chocolate, trying to hide the blush growing on my cheeks.

"Hey... Can we talk?" He asked as he sat across from me on his bed. My eyebrows raised in confusion.

"We are talking." I said and he laughed. He walked over and sat beside me.

"Look, what I said before you left for Paris... I didn't mean it and I'm really sorry Shui. You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." He said as he reached for my hand and squeezed it. I smiled and squeezed back.

"I'm sorry about being jealous over Caina. It's just that I'm not used to seeing you like a girl this much Zuo... I just felt like I was being replaced I guess." I said, slightly tearing up.

"That's how I felt whenever you hung out with Jongin but Shui, no one could ever replace you. You're one of the people I love the most." Meizuo said and I smiled.

"You are too Zuo." I said as I pulled him in for a hug. When we pulled away, he continued to stare into my eyes and I did the same.

"Zuo?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He said.

"If you want to date Caina, you have my full support. I can tell you really like her." I said even though it was breaking my heart as I said every word.

"Really?" He asked happily and I nodded as he pulled me in for another hug. I blinked my eyes to keep my tears from falling. Meizuo pulled away and he frowned as he saw the tears falling.

"What's wrong Shui? I'm gonna date her, not marry her. Well, not yet anyway." He joked and I laughed but it hurt more when he mentioned 'marry'.

"Idiot. I'm just happy for you Zuo." I said and he smiled.

"Then you have my blessing to continue dating Jongin. He seems like he's a really nice guy but if he ever makes you cry, he's dead. Okay?" He joked and I nodded.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The following day, I woke up early to cook some breakfast when I heard Xiaoyou yell out Shancai's name. I jumped out of bed and shook Meizuo awake.

"Zuo! Get up! I think Ah Si and Shancai are back!" I said as he groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Come on! Get up!" I added as I went back to my bed and grabbed my oversized sweater. Meizuo pulled on his jacket and nodded to me.

We headed downstairs to see everyone up. Ah Si and Shancai were standing in the middle of the living room, looking tired and disheveled.

"Shancai!" I said as I ran down to give the girl a hug. Xiaoyou moved so I could hug her.

"You okay Shancai?" I worriedly asked as I looked up and down in search for injuries.

"I'm fine really Shuijing. My foot hurts but I'm okay." She replied and I nodded. I then turned to Ah Si who gave me a sheepish smile. I moved over and smacked him at the back of the head.

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