Chapter 46

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It had been several hours since Shancai had left and we all headed to Meizuo's house to hang out for a while. I was getting worried and so was Lei because we hadn't heard anything from her since she said she had just landed in London.

"We lost contact with Shancai after her message this afternoon." Ximen said as Lei continued to call her to no avail. I nervously tapped my shoe against the floor as I thought about what could have happened to her and why she still hadn't contacted us since this afternoon.

"She probably saw Ah Si already. Ah Si must have been so touched." Meizuo teased, trying to break the tension in the room.

"Shancai, why are you here?" Ximen said, pretending he was Ah Si as he turned to Meizuo.

"Ah Si, I missed you so much. I'd surely be with you no matter where you go." Meizuo dramatically replied as they shared a laugh and I rolled my eyes before hitting him on the shoulder. Meizuo pouted and I smiled innocently before he kissed the back of my hand lovingly.

"I have a bad feeling." Lei said as I turned back to him and agreed.

"Me too. I think something happened." I said and Meizuo rubbed my hand in comfort.

"Don't worry. Believe in the fighting spirit of the weed." He comforted.

"Why does it feel like the calm before the storm?" Ximen said, looking worried.

"It seems Ah Si's mom had everything figured out. So, it went without a glitch this time." Meizuo concluded and I frowned before plopping down on the couch beside him. I rested my head on his shoulder as my arms crossed with his, our hands still intertwined.

"I hope... Ah Si can come back safely." Ximen said and I sighed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was the middle of the night and Meizuo was staying over to help me out with some paperwork despite my protests. We both had dinner with my parents and Sooyeon & Tyler earlier and Mom offered him a room to sleep in since we had finished a little late.

He was on my bed, going through some of the company's monthly reports while I was on my desk, flipping through the online catalog. I was going through some of the clothes when Meizuo suddenly closed my laptop.

"What- Zuo, I have to finish it by tonight, Sooyeon jie is still waiting for them." I explained and he shook his head.

"I talked to your sister AND your parents and they agree that you should take a break." He said.

"He's right sis! Use this time to spend some time with your boyfriend!" Sooyeon shouted from outside my door, making me blush profusely. Meizuo just laughed as he cleaned up the papers on the bed and stacked them up nicely on the table near my closet.

"Come here." He said as he led me to my bed, and I slowly curled up against him. Sighing, as exhaustion finally settled in. He hugged me towards him as I snuggled against his neck, my arms around his waist.

"Zuo?" I asked, with my eyes closed and he hummed in response.

"Do you think Shancai and Ah Si will be okay?" I asked and he sighed.

"I hope so Shui. They're both strong. I'm sure they'll be okay." He reassured me.

"I can't imagine being in their situation Zuo..being forced to stay away from the one I love.." I said, opening my eyes and looking up at my boyfriend.

"That will never happen Shui. I won't let it. I've didn't wait for the past 10 years just to let you slip through my fingers. I love you so much and I won't let you go that easily." He said, kissing my forehead and hugging me tighter.

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