Chapter 5

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I was packing my stuff for Hawaii when suddenly my phone rang. I picked it up and saw the caller ID: "ZuoZuo".

"Hello Zuo? I'm in the middle of packing at the moment so-" I said as I folded one of my shirts neatly and placing them in my suitcase.

"We're not going to Hawaii anymore." I stopped packing and pressed the phone closer to my ear.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked sadly.

"Ah Si said we're going to Sanya. Don't worry, there's still a beach." He answered when he noticed my sad tone.

"Oh okay thanks for letting me know Zuo! I gotta go.. I have to finish packing." I said with a smile through the phone.

"Sure no problem. Lei and I will pick you and Jing up tomorrow by 10 am. Sweet dreams Shuijing!" He said and I swear I could hear him laughing a little through the phone.

"Sure. Sweet dreams Zuo!" I said as I hanged up. I picked up the last of my shirts, some flip flops and closed my suitcase. I yawned and charged my phone. I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I brushed my hair and went to bed.

I woke up at around 8 am the next morning to get ready and do a last-minute check. I took a shower, dried my hair, and picked out my clothes. I picked out a red long-sleeved jumpsuit and some buckled platform black sandals. I threw on my gold and pearl long earrings and fastened the silver bracelet with miniature tourmalines and a large opal stone that Meizuo had gotten me for my 18th birthday. I was spraying on some perfume when I heard someone knock on my door.

"It's open!" I called out as I brushed my hair and applied some tint to my lips. The door opened to reveal my older sister clad in a white sleeveless boxy crop top and a matching flowy white skirt. She had on some gold dangling earrings and her hair was pulled back into a curled ponytail. She also had on some gold strappy heels. Her suitcase was placed outside my door.

"Lei and Meizuo are here. Are you done?" she kindly asked with a smile. I nodded and smiled back as I moved to get my suitcase when the door to my room opened wider. There were Lei and Meizuo. I smiled.

"Good morning you two." I said as I waved at them. Lei gave me a small smile and a hug while Meizuo did the same but kept his arm around my waist.

"Let's go?" he asked us and we all nodded. Lei offered his arm to Jie and grabbed her suitcase for her while she looped her arm in his. Meizuo did the same while I grabbed my phone and my black box clutch from my bed. We headed downstairs to Meizuo's car and the boys placed Jie and my luggage in the trunk. Jie got in the back with Lei while I got in the passenger seat next to Meizuo. We drove off to meet Ximen and Ah Si at the port. Ximen was there with his date while Ah Si was talking to the captain of the yacht.

I gave them both a hug and introduced myself to Ximen's date. Our luggage was loaded first and after they were loaded, we all got up to board the yacht. Ah Si went up first, followed by Ximen and his date then Lei and Jiejie and lastly me and Meizuo. I almost slipped when getting up when Meizuo caught my arm.

"Careful Shui." he said softly. I smiled and I felt my cheeks burning so I quickly muttered a 'Thanks' and walked up to the bow of the ship. I smelled the air and smiled. I love being at sea, it's always made me feel calm. I then walked over to where Meizuo was sitting and plopped myself down beside him. He placed his arm around the back of the seat I was sitting on and looked towards the sea.

After an hour, we were getting closer to the port in Sanya and I swear I could hear someone calling Ah Si's name. I looked around and saw someone waving at us from a small boat near the docks. I squinted my eyes and looked closer to see who it was. It was Qinghe and Shancai. I nudged Meizuo and gestured to the boat. He shook his head and laughed in Ah Si's direction. I smirked and went up to Ah Si who was gripping onto the yacht's railing on the bow of the ship.

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