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A lot had changed in the following months. Shancai and Ah Si were enjoying their married life. They were currently in London, enjoying the rest of their honeymoon.  They cherished every day they were together and they couldn't be happier.

Lei was currently in London, doing some business for his family as well as vacationing. He was accompanied by his girlfriend of 5 months, Sang Tian. Lei had met her at an ice-skating expo with his family and Sang Tian was one of the featured figure skaters.

Ximen and Xiaoyou were still happily dating and Ximen doted on her. He became more carefree and spent most of his time with Xiaoyou. It's funny how much he berated Ah Si for being so lovestruck when he was in the same situation with Xiaoyou.

Qinghe finally moved on from Shancai and was also helping out with Ximen and Meizuo's tea business with the help of his girlfriend, Li Zhen.

Xiaozi decided to travel the world for a while and she never thought she would meet her soulmate along the way. She and her boyfriend Thomas have been happily dating for the past 3 months now.

Jing has been actively helping in charities in South Africa that involves improving the education of out of school youth. She was happy there and occasionally visits Lei and the F4.

Sooyeon and Tyler got married 2 weeks after Shancai and Ah Si and were now expecting a baby due in a few weeks.

Everyone's lives have been peaceful except for one particular person.


He and Ximen have been happily working on their business venture in relation to Ah Si's project which has tremendously helped the Daoming group back on its feet. He works himself to the bone and does his best to keep a happy face but deep down inside, he longs for Shuijing.

No one knows where she was but Meizuo had a feeling that Jing and Sooyeon knew but kept to themselves because they knew that their little sister didn't want to be bothered.

Still, it didn't stop Meizuo from hoping that she would come back one day. He still keeps the ring he gave her on a chain around his neck, keeping it close to his heart. He respected her decision but couldn't hold himself back from missing her.

"I'll wait for you Shui, no matter how long it takes." Meizuo whispers to himself, kissing the ring as he watches the meteor shower through the window of his house.

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A month later

It was February. The month of love and unfortunately cold weather. Ah Si had planned a reunion party for all of them to get together again. He invited Xiaoyou, Ximen, Lei, Meizuo, Li Zhen, Qinghe, Xiaozi, and Thomas.

The restaurant that Ah Si booked was closed for today because he wanted them to have privacy.

Lei arrived last.

"Lei! You're late!" Ah Si yelled, hugging his friend.

"Sorry." He said before looking behind him and holding his hand out. Behind him was a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black long-sleeve button-up shirt tucked into a black flowy leather skirt and a pair of white floral strap heels.

"Guys, this is Sang Tian. My girlfriend." Lei introduced the girl who shyly waved and smiled at the group. Lei led her to sit beside Shancai and Xiaozi, asking the shy girl multiple questions about how they had Lei and her had met and other stuff that Xiaozi mostly wanted to ask. Sang Tian did her best to answer as Xiaozi asked one question after another.

Hiraeth ; Meteor Garden 2018Where stories live. Discover now