Chapter 3

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Ah Si went to school that day with a new hairstyle, determined to make Shancai notice him to no avail. He had to call out her attention and when she finally did notice, he clarified the fact that she wasn't the reason why he changed his look. She laughed haughtily at him and said that he was so full of himself.

"Jing is back." Ximen interrupted his argument with the freshman.

"What?" Ah Si asked again, not fully grasping what Ximen said.

"Jing is back." Ximen repeated as Ah Si's eyes shone with realization and went with Ximen to see Jing with a smile on his face.

Shancai looked on, a little sad at what she just heard. Her classmates Baihe & Xinhui had informed her of Lei's history with Jing and she had to admit, she felt so insecure of who her competition was if you could consider Shancai a rival for Lei's heart. She decided to see for herself if what they really said was true and dragged Qinghe along with her.


Jing walked the halls of Ming De University gracefully. She was wearing a long white layered dress with the inner skirt shorter than the outer which was see-through, black loafers with gold buckles, a gray plaid blazer with the sleeves pulled up to her elbows, and a black box crossbody bag. She cheerfully smiled at the students who greeted and admired her. The students in question couldn't believe their eyes as they stared at the living goddess of Ming De. At the end of the hall, the school's legendary F4 walked up to her.

Jing stopped walking and smiled at the 4 boys she considered family. She looked at all 4 of them one by one and smiled. They really had grown up.

"Welcome back." Ah Si spoke first as he gave her a hug. Next was Ximen who hugged her as well then Meizuo who did the same and lastly was Lei who simply stared at her, a smile peeking from his lips.

Jing stepped closer and closer until she met Lei's face and smiled.

"Lei. I'm back." she said as she hugged him. Lei simply smiled and took in the fact that she was really back.

"I've missed you." Jing added. His arms slowly wove his way around her and he hugged her tighter.

Meizuo smiled at his friends but if you looked closer, you could see that he was a bit disappointed. He was also looking for someone and had hoped that she would eventually come with her older sister and tell him that it was a surprise...but she wasn't here.

Shancai stood with Qinghe at the end of the hallway, a little bit hidden from the 4 boys and Jing. She looked on at how Lei hugged Jing and how happy he looked. Jing was exceptionally beautiful and she couldn't help but compare herself to her. Jing was a whole different league compared to her, she let it sink in that Lei would never like her now that Jing was back.

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The boys and Jing went for dinner at one of their favorite restaurants. Meizuo tried to keep his mind off the younger Tengtang heiress and just enjoy himself. They were all laughing at a table as they remembered a memory from when they were young. Lei was awfully being quiet as he silently ate his dinner in peace

"I think it's still funny." Ximen added as Ah Si and Meizuo kept laughing.

"This place hasn't changed. But you guys.." Jing stopped as she looked at the boys in front of her. "After 3 years, you're no longer high school students but university students now. Luckily, you guys haven't changed. I'm glad." She added proudly.

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