Life Update #2

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Hello everyone! How are you all?
The story is nearly ending but as I've said, I still have a few more surprisws for our couple.

I have already started chapters 44 and 45, it just might take me a little longer to post because school work is piling up and I have 2 term papers to work on (Oh how I love being a medical student :D). But I'll do my best to post them as soon as possible.

And since we are near the end, I'd like to take this chance to say thank you to each and everyone who has commented, read and voted my story. It really means a lot to me because this story has become my escape when I need to destress from a week's worth of school work. :)

And I am also happy to announce that I will be starting another story soon. :D It will be another character insert story.

To those who love Thai dramas or Lakorns, you're in luck because that is the genre I'll be writing for.

Unfortunately, it won't be BL. huhuhu as much as i loveeeee that genre, i have no idea how to write it because I'm not used to writing a story in a guy's POV (That's why the parts with Meizuo's POV are short :P). But i'm willing to try writing that in the future :D.

I will be starting on that story as soon as I finish Hiraeth. So for now, I hope you enjoy reading and tune in for the final chapters of Hiraeth.

Thank you again!! :D

-sparklypsycho ❤
(P.S let me know your thoughts on this in the comments section.

And if I should i do a face reveal? 😂)

Hiraeth ; Meteor Garden 2018Where stories live. Discover now