Chapter 29

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Jongin and I had arrived at a posh looking restaurant. My eyes furrowed in confusion as to why it was empty.

"Jonginie, is it closed? Why are we the only people here?" I asked as he tugged on his hand, making him look back at me. He gave me a smile.

"I rented it out for tonight. I know it's too much but I just wanna be with you tonight." He sincerely said which made me giggle.

"Cheesy." I commented and he dramatically gasped, placing his other hand on his chest.

"How dare you! I was trying to be romantic!" He cried out and I laughed, pulling him along as we entered the restaurant.

The walls of the restaurant were painted red with intricate golden orchid patterns and a beautiful glass chandelier was placed in the center of the ceiling. There was a space in the middle of the floor and a pianist was softly playing music on a stage. As I continued to admire the place, I failed to notice that a waiter had already led us to our table.

"This place is beautiful," I commented, continuing to marvel at the place as the waiter pulled out the chair for me to sit on. I heard Jongin chuckle as he sat down.

"What I'm looking at is even more beautiful." He commented which caused me to look at him. He gave me a smile which I blushed at.

"Oh please! Let's eat I'm starving!" I joked and he laughed in response as we reached for the menu.

"Shuijing?" Jongin asked. I hummed in response and looked up from the menu.

"Thank you." He stated with a smile and my eyebrows quirked up in confusion.

"For what?" I asked and he reached over and grabbed my hand, rubbing circles on it.

"For giving me a chance. I know you still love Meizuo but I promise, I'll make you fall for me 10x deeper than you have for him." He stated as he gave me a smile which I returned and nodded.

We spent the rest of the night just laughing and eventually dancing. I felt so safe and secure in Jongin's arms. I had never felt like this about anyone before Meizuo and it felt weird. Good weird.

I couldn't be falling for him that fast.

Could I?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was a few days after and I dropped by Mingde to see the boys. I hadn't seen them in a while since my schedule was packed and a lot more paparazzi were following me since my date with Jongin who I might add was the sweetest. He's been calling and texting me every day and sending me thousands of flowers.

I heard from Lei that Ah Si and Shancai still hadn't made up. Probably because Ah Si was too stubborn. I headed for the club room and could hear them talking as I walked down the stairs.

"Shuijing!!" Ximen called out as he walked over to give me a hug.

"Hi, guys." I greeted as Lei and Ah Si gave me a hug before walking over and sitting next to Meizuo on the couch, placing my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, you." He said as he placed an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Hey." I smiled in response as I hugged him back.

"So, Shuijing. How are things going with you and Jongin?" Ximen asked and I smiled as I pulled away from Meizuo.

"Amazing. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met." I sighed as I thought about the said boy who had flown back to Korea the day before.

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