Chapter 25

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After I drove home, I packed some of the clothes and my passport. I got changed into a black floral button up long sleeve top with matching pants and some black platform heels. I grabbed my pink leather shoulder bag and headed downstairs with my suitcase.

I hailed a taxi and went to the airport. After 30 minutes, I arrived, got out of the taxi, and headed for the check-in counter.

After checking in my luggage, I bought myself a mango frappe and a small bowl of carbonara pasta with some fries.

What? I didn't have dinner.

I sat down on one of the tables in the cafe and as I was about to eat, I received another phone call.

"Hello?" I answered, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Why didn't you tell me you're flying back to Paris?" An exasperated voice said and I sighed.

"I was in a rush Zuo. Dad called me out of the blue and told me to fly back to Paris immediately. Besides, I wanted to tell you but you seemed so taken with Caina so I left you alone." I explained.

"Hey, about Caina.. Why are you so worked up whenever I mention her? You didn't sit next to me, hell you didn't even look in my direction! What's wrong? Are you jealous of her?" He asked.

"Me? Jealous? Why would I be jealous of her?" I defended.

"Then why are you acting so weird? You don't see me acting jealous around that guy you've been seeing." He retorted and I scoffed.

"That guy has a name. Wait a minute, why are you dragging him into this? He has nothing to do with this!" I exclaimed, ignoring the weird stares coming from the people around me.

"Stop pretending Shuijing. You like him even if you say you don't!" He spat and I sighed.

"You know what? I don't care what you think. If you think I like him then that's up to you because starting now, you're not my best friend anymore. Do whatever you want. Date Caina for all I care! Goodbye!" I said as I hung up. I didn't realize that tears were falling from my eyes and I quickly wiped it off. I angrily threw my food away and held onto my frappe.

I heard my flight number being called out and I got up and walked towards the gate. I handed them my boarding pass and looked back momentarily. I sighed as I walked towards the aircraft. I was then greeted and escorted by a flight attendant to my seat near the window.

I had a private lounge chair to myself which could be converted to a bed since this was a 12 hour flight. She informed me that they were going to serve dinner in a little while. I nodded and thanked her as I leaned back on my chair. I sighed and closed my eyes as I thought about the phone call earlier.

'Feng Meizuo..

'I hate you'.

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After that phone call with Shuijing, I called her a thousand times and left her so many messages. I felt so guilty that I accused and went off on her like that. She was my best friend and I hurt her. I still didn't get why she was acting so weird when I mentioned Caina. What's so wrong with me liking a girl? She's seen me go on dates a million times. Why is this time so different? She doesn't hear me making comments about that guy her parents set her up with does she? But, I miss her now more than ever. I wasn't even sure if she was coming back, given the way I treated her on the phone.

Hiraeth ; Meteor Garden 2018Where stories live. Discover now