Chapter 45

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A few weeks had passed since the party and everything was going so well. Ah Si and Shancai were doing well. The same goes for me and Shuijing. The situation with her family had settled and she was now living in the Jung mansion. I helped her move most of her stuff a few days ago but we decided to keep her and Jing's house. She didn't want to put it up for sale and neither did me, Ximen and Ah Si because that house held so many memories for us.

Shuijing or as the media calls her now, Soojung, was attending a charity benefit along with Ah Si for tonight. She invited me to be her date but I politely declined and opted to pick her up afterwards because Ximen had already called me out to have drinks., of course being the understanding girlfriend that she is, politely agreed and said she'd call me when it was over.

"How are you lately, Master Ximen?" I asked, drinking the glass of alcohol in my hand.

"I'm all right. Still the same as before." He answered as he closed his phone before facing me.

"I guess so. Since your dad retired, you've been hosting the tea ceremonies on your own. That's so great. Unlike me." I said, before sadly looking at the alcohol in my glass.

"What's the matter? You've always participated in the exhibits, right?" Ximen asked, puzzled.

"I only participated. I wasn't responsible for a whole project. I just needed to take care of my part. It's different now. Whether it's a major or a minor thing, I have to put in a lot of effort in them. And there are so many details to take care of. I'm so stressed out." I complained, slowly drinking the alcohol in my hand as I remembered the piles of paperwork left in my house.

"You're a detailed person, so you wouldn't have a problem." Ximen stated and I smiled.

"I don't even have time for dates anymore. Shui's been really busy too, so whatever time I can spend with her I take it. I have to go after finishing my drink." I said, raising my glass at Ximen who clinked his glass with mine.

"What do you plan to do with Xiaoyou?" I curiously asked as my mind drifted to the younger girl who was chasing after my best friend.

"What can I do?" Ximen asked in confusion.

"I think she's quite courageous, but you won't do anything to her, right?" I asked and Ximen turned to me.

"Am I crazy? I'm not as brave as Ah Si. I don't want to get Shancai's flying kick." Ximen said and I laughed.

"Girls are like drinks at a bar. Compared to the strong ones, the fruity ones are easy to drink but we'd end up with a terrible hangover. You've had a variety of drinks. What kind of drink is Xiaoyou?" I asked as I looked at Ximen who continued to drink.

"Harsh words don't seem to be effective. I know she's forcing herself. But she keeps going forward and chasing after me. Never hitting the brakes even when she's speeding." Ximen explained.

"This girl is really devoted. Be careful." I warned him.

"You don't have to worry at all. I'm not the least bit interested in that kind of girl." He reassured me.

"Is that so? I think you've become warmhearted. You see even fewer women now." I teased my best friend who is obviously denying that he feels nothing for Xiaoyou.

"Aren't you going to see Shui?" He said, changing the topic.

"I should go." I answered, downing my drink.

"How's your first serious relationship going? I can't imagine how hard it is to be in one. You're always on call and under strict supervision. I know Shui knows how we hang out and have fun but she's got to have changed since she became your girlfriend." Ximen said and I shook my head.

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