Chapter 47

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I was eating breakfast with mom, dad and Sooyeon jie when I heard the TV.

"Successor of Daoming Group, Daoming Si and He Yuanzi from the He Business Group reportedly have been kidnapped!"

My eyes turned to the TV in shock but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone ring.


"Shui. Pack. We're going somewhere. Meizuo and Ximen are coming over to pick you up. Lei's already at the airport. We're taking my jet." My eyebrows furrowed as I heard Xiaozi's voice.

"Xiaozi? What's going? The news said you and Ah Si were kidnapped. What do you mean 'pack'? Where are we going? Where are you?" I asked franticly.

"Just pack something for the beach and something to keep you warm okay? I'll explain everything when you get here. Bye." She said before hanging up.

"Mom, Dad, Jie, I have to go. My friends need me. I'll probably be back in a few days." I explained and my parents looked at each other in worry.

"Will you be safe dear?" Mom asked and I walked closer, hugging her and dad.

"I'll be fine mom. Ximen and Meizuo are there anyways. Besides, your daughter is a black belter in taekwondo. I can handle any danger. "I bragged, prompting my parents and Jie to laugh.

"All right. Just call us when you're coming home okay?" Dad said and I nodded.

"Give my love to your friends Soojung-ah, I hope they're all right." Jie said, hugging me tightly before I headed upstairs to pack.

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Meizuo and Ximen arrived in less than 10 minutes and I handed my suitcase to Ximen as Meizuo and I said goodbye to my parents.

"Look after my little sister all right Meizuo? You wouldn't want a black eye on that handsome face of yours would you?" Jie jokingly threatened and I Meizuo laughed.

"I'm not kidding Meizuo. Take care of her if you do not want to end up in a body bag." Jie seriously said and I knew she was still joking but only I saw it so I silently smiled as Meizuo nodded rapidly.

We waved goodbye to my parents as Meizuo led me to Ximen's car.

"Meizuo, what's wrong with you? You're white as a sheet." Ximen joked, looking at Meizuo who sat beside him but Meizuo remained silent.

"Hey Shui. Don't take this the wrong way but I'd rather have Jing as a sister-in-law. Sooyeon looked like she was ready to pick out the color of my coffin." Meizuo seriously said as Ximen and I laughed at his fear.

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We arrived at the airport and were escorted to Xiaozi's jet where Lei was already waiting inside and I immediately contacted Xiaozi. She just told me to wait and see when we got there.

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We arrived at the island in almost an hour or so and Xiaozi had a camp set up for all of us. There was food and drinks with large tents for us to sleep in. Ximen sighed as he looked around. It was a little gloomy and it looked like it was about to rain.

"What's wrong Xixi?" I asked as I sat beside Meizuo on a beach chair. Lei was seated inside his tent near the zipper.

"I hate this place. Xiaozi, out of all the places you could've took Shancai and Ah Si, it had to be a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. Where's the sunshine, beach and hot girls you promised me?" Ximen complained and Meizuo scoffed, placing an arm around me.

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