Chapter 21

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The next day, I was woken up by my phone ringing. I groaned as I covered my head with a pillow but the phone continued to ring. I screamed into my pillow and removed it before reaching over and answering my phone.

"Hello?" I croaked out, tiredness evident in my voice.

"Shuijing?" A woman's voice answered.

"Zhuang jie? Why are you calling me so early?" I asked.

"Is Ah Si there?" She asked. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Huh? What do you mean Zhuang jie? Isn't Ah Si in London with you?" I asked, confused.

"That little brat has been gone since yesterday. I'm sure he's already there in Shanghai Shui. Will you call me when you find him?" She said.

"I will Zhuang jie." I answered as she hung up. And not even a few seconds later, another call came.

"Shuijing. Where are you? Get to Mingde now. I'm back." A demanding voice said and I groaned.

"Ah Si. It's too early for- Wait a minute! Why are you back in Shanghai?" I asked, annoyed.

"It's a long story. Just get over here now!" Ah Si said as he hung up. I groaned as I stretched and got out of bed. My phone beeped and I was about to complain again until I saw the name.

"Good morning Shui. We already went home and we're going to head to school after. Ah Si is back in Shanghai so don't tell him where we are, okay? ;)- ZuoZuo."

I laughed and I shook my head. Oh, what were they planning now? I got into the shower and thought about Ah Si's reaction to whatever prank they were planning on doing. After 10 minutes, I got out and dried my hair before heading to my walk-in closet to change. I changed into a deep blue suede short-sleeved midi dress and black suede ankle strap sandals with gold heels. I fastened on some silver crystal bar dangling earrings. I curled my hair slightly and grabbed my phone and car keys. I headed downstairs, walked to my car, and drove to Mingde.

Ah Si met me near the Bridge Club Room and gave me a hug. I gave him a hit behind the back of his head in response.

"Shui! What was that for?" He complained as he rubbed the spot where I hit him.

"You idiot! Why are you back in Shanghai? Auntie will not be happy with this." I scolded as Ah Si opened the door to the club room.

"Stop yelling. I swear it's like your Jie's younger version." He said as he walked down the stairs. I looked around. The rest of the boys weren't here.

"Where are they?" I asked and Ah Si shrugged as he pulled out his phone.

"Hello, Ximen? Where did you three go?" Ah Si asked and I gestured for him to put it on speakerphone.

"Ah Si, we came to London to see you. We just landed. Where are you?" Ximen answered and I smugly smiled as I looked up and saw the boys on top of the staircase. Meizuo gestured for me to be quiet, I nodded and turned back to Ah Si.

"What? I came back to Shanghai. Come back here." Ah Si demanded and I stifled a laugh.

"We can't. Because of you, we enrolled in a school in London. We already paid the tuition fees." Ximen complained.

"I don't care. Come back here." Ah Si spat.

"No.Lei said that he's not coming back anymore if you're not talking to him." Ximen stated.

Hiraeth ; Meteor Garden 2018Where stories live. Discover now