Chapter 48

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I headed to the station to record my statement, leaving Shancai with Xiaozi, and by the time I got there, they were finishing up with Lei so I headed inside.

We all went back to the hospital and went straight to Ah Si's room to see if he was awake yet but he wasn't. Auntie Yu told us to wait inside and watch over Ah Si. I looked at Shancai in pity. Too much drama had happened and it wasn't even noon yet. It was half-past 7 when we arrived in Shanghai and we all lacked sleep.

Shancai sat on a chair beside Ah Si's bed. Lei sat Xiaozi near the door with Auntie Yu sitting on a couch in front of them. Ximen was leaning against the window seat. Meizuo was standing behind me while I sat on a chair on the other side of Ah Si's bed.

We silently waited for a few minutes when I saw Ah Si's hand twitch and his eyes slowly opened.

"Daoming Si." Shancai exclaimed prompting Ximen, Xiaozi, and Auntie Yu to stand up and rush to Ah Si's side. Lei turned his head to look at Ah Si, still shocked that Ah Si was now awake.

"Where am I? Why am I here?" Ah Si groaned, sitting up as he held his head.

"Ah Si, you were seriously hurt and you were unconscious for a long time." Meizuo explained.

"I was hurt?" Ah Si asked before turning to Ximen and Meizuo who were standing behind me. Meizuo nodded in confirmation.

"Who is she?" Ah Si asked as he turned to Shancai. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Ah Si, are you not fully awake yet or did you lose your memory, like what the doctor mentioned?" I asked and Ah Si groaned, I assumed his head was still painful.

"Hey, do you know who I am?" Ximen asked.

"Ximen." Ah Si answered.

"How about me?" Meizuo asked.

"Meizuo." Ah Si answered.

"How about him?" Meizuo asked, pointing to Lei who was watching all this play out.

"Lei. Why are you even asking me that?" Ah Si answered, clearly annoyed.

"Then who am I?" Xiaozi asked.

"Monkey. Ugly Monster." Ah Si said, pointing to Xiaozi.

"And me, Ah Si?" I asked as he turned to me.

"You're Shuijing. My 'little sister' and you're also Meizuo's girlfriend." Ah Si said as he ruffled my hair and I smiled in thanks.

"Then who is she? What is she doing here?" Ah Si asked, looking at Shancai. My heart broke for her. Had Ah Si really forgotten the love of his life?

"Ah Si, cut it out. How can you remember all of us but not Shancai?" Ximen scolded.

"Shancai? What a lousy name." Ah Si commented and Shancai looked like she was about to cry.

"It'll be all right. He just woke up. His brain is still a mess." Xiaozi comforted as she patted Shancai's back.

"That's right. They love each other so much. I don't believe he's forgotten her." Ximen concluded.

"I'm sure he remembers you Shancai. Besides, his brain isn't that big for him to forget you anyway." I joked, earning a glare from Ah Si who continued to rub his head.

"Shancai. How about you tell him what happened between you two? Maybe it'll help him remember." Meizuo suggested and we all nodded in agreement.

"Green shoes. Do you still remember that you stepped on my phone and broke it? I went to the opening ceremony and your fans pushed me around. So I dropped my phone and it broke when you stepped on it. I even confronted you about it. Do you still remember?" Shancai asked but Ah Si still looked confused.

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