Chapter 35

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I was getting ready to meet with Auntie Jade and Uncle Liu at a nearby restaurant with Meizuo then we were meeting up with Ximen and Lei at Shancai's house after. Apparently, she was staying alone because her parents had gone to live with her aunt at a fishing village because her dad's boss had run away with the company funds. They were planning on still staying cause her mom still had the food delivery service and her dad could look for another job but her uncle was really sick and her aunt was having trouble taking care of him so she asked if they could come and help take care of him. Ah Si wasn't answering our calls so we didn't bother since we figured he was busy with Xiaozi.

"Ready Shui?" Meizuo asked as he popped his head in the doorway, just in time for me to grab my oversized dark blue pinstriped blazer and wore it over my matching tube top which was tucked into my white pleated trousers. My hair was straightened and I had on some small silver hoop earrings and black suede heels.

"Stop it." Meizuo scolded and I looked at him in confusion.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked and he walked closer and cupped my face with his hands.

"Stop being so pretty. I might have to put a mask on you to keep away other guys." He said and I laughed, moving his face away from me.

"Let's go." I said as I placed my phone in my pocket and grabbed Meizuo who continued to pout before looking down at my right hand's ring finger. He smiled and looked at the twinkly silver band before bringing my hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss on it.

I smiled as I intertwined my fingers with his and headed downstairs.

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We arrived at the restaurant shortly after. When we got inside, I looked around for Uncle Liu and Auntie Jade.

"Shuijing!" I looked around and saw Auntie Jade waving as I smiled, holding Meizuo's hand as we walked to their table.

"Auntie Jade!" I said as I gave the old woman a hug which she returned. I did the same with Uncle Liu before sitting down.

"Ahem." Uncle Liu suddenly cleared his throat and my eyebrows quirked up in confusion. Uncle Liu then gestured to Meizuo and my hands which were still clasped.

"Uhm- Uncle Liu-" I started but Meizuo cut me off.

"We're dating Uncle Liu." He said and my eyes widened. Uncle Liu and Auntie Jade were the closest thing I have to family. Except for the F4 of course.

Auntie Jade and Uncle Liu looked at each other in silence for a few moments before slowly breaking into a smile.

"Oh! How wonderful!" Auntie Jade exclaimed as she tightly hugged us both. After she pulled away, Meizuo and I looked at each other in confusion.

"You know what, I always knew you two would end up together! Meizuo, did you know? Shuijing had a huge crush on you when you were kids. She always said that when she grew up, she'd marry you and you'll live happily ever after." She revealed and I blushed in response. Uncle Liu laughed as I covered my face in embarrassment.

"Auntie Jade!" I said as I felt my cheeks becoming hotter and Meizuo playfully smirked at me.

"Shuijing, you know if you want to marry me, all you have to do is ask." He said and I glared in response, causing him to raise his arms in surrender and Auntie Jade & Uncle Liu to laugh.

"Okay, let's eat." I said as I elbowed Meizuo, causing him to groan as he sat down beside me. I called over a waiter and proceeded to order for all of us.

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