Chapter 40

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I looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean you found my real family? I thought you and Ximen couldn't find anything?" I said.

"I know but I took a closer look at the wax seal Aunt Jade gave you and found this.." Meizuo said as he led me to the couch and showed me his laptop. My eyes widened in disbelief.


"I know."

"That logo-its'-" I said, my head shaking in disbelief. Meizuo held my hand in comfort.

"Calm down Shui." He said as he pulled me closer as I continued to stare at the all too familiar logo on his laptop.


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"Shuijing? Shui, come on. Open the door." I heard Meizuo on the other side as he knocked on my door. I didn't answer and I heard him sigh followed by the sound of my door opening.

"Shui. Shui come on. You can't stay buried under there forever." He said as he tried to take off the duvet but I pulled it closer to me, burying myself deeper.

"Tengtang Shuijing."

"Don't call me that." I said.

"What?" he asked and I sighed as I pulled off the duvet and sat up, looking up at my confused boyfriend's face.

"Don't call me Tengtang Shuijing. That's not my name." I said, my voice cracking. Meizuo sat down in front of me, pulling me into his arms which made the tears I was holding back fall freely.

"I-I don't know what to do Zuo.. Are they really my pare-nts? Is Sooyeon my sister and n-n-not Jing jie? W-w-w-wh-who a-a-m I?" I sobbed, burying my face in my hands and Meizuo hugged me tighter.

If Sooyeon and Mr and Mrs. Jung were really my parents, what happened to me? Why was I taken from them?

Were 'Mom' and 'Dad' the perpetrators of my said 'kidnapping'? If so, them why?


Who was I?

We stayed like that for a couple more hours before Meizuo pulled away.

"We're gonna have to ask them at some point Shui. What if the daughter they thought was dead is really you?" Meizuo said and I sighed.

"I know Zuo. I'm just scared of what happens after. What if I'm not the daughter they've been missing? What if I'm just a nameless nobody? Or as Ah Si's mom put it: an orphan." I said, looking down at my hands, prompting Meizuo to hold them.

"Shui, look at me." He said but I shook my head causing him to sigh.

"Please." He said and I slowly lifted my head to look at him.

"You're not a nobody. You're everything to me. I don't care if you're the heiress of the Tengtang Investment Group or the long lost daughter of the BLANC & ECLARE Trading Group. To me, you're just Shuijing. The girl I love the most in this world and the girl I'm going to marry someday." He said, placing a sweet kiss on the back of my hand and offering me a kind smile. I smiled back as he leaned in as his lips met mine.

Hiraeth ; Meteor Garden 2018Where stories live. Discover now