Chapter 1

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Paris, France

Tengtang Residence

"My head hurts so bad." I groaned as I rubbed my temples in frustration. It was a weekend and I was stuck at the house doing paperwork. Not that I wanted to do it but my dad called me the night before and said that he needed it done as soon as possible. And thank God I've finished all of it. I worked all night and haven't slept a wink.

"What does he think I am? A workaholic robot?" I sighed as I buried my face deep into what seemed like never-ending paperwork.

A knock on my bedroom door interrupted my thoughts. I lifted my head up from the sea of paper and fixed my hair a little.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's me Meimei. Can I come in?" A delicate voice answered from behind the door.

"Sure jiejie. It's open." I answered.

The door opens and my sister walks in with a gentle smile on her face. Tengtang Jing. One of the world's most beautiful women and in line to inherit the Tengtang Investment Group. She was wearing a white sleeveless flowy dress that reached just a little below her knees and white platform heels. Her hair was down and she carried a white Chanel clutch. A silver heart-shaped locket adorned her neck and a diamond plated watch was wrapped around her wrist.

"Are you busy?" She asked with a kind smile as she came closer to sit on the edge of my bed, careful not to touch any of the papers surrounding it.

"Dad wanted me to finish this as soon as possible. It took me all night to finish it and I still had to redo some of it this morning since some of the data on them were messed up but other than that, I'm done for the day jie." I answered as I looked around the number of papers that I finished reading and worked on the night before until early this morning.

"That's good. So I was wondering, if you're up for it and you're not too tired, we could have fun for the day? Let's just go have some lunch and walk around town? I just feel like Dad has been putting so much pressure on you and we haven't spent that much time together lately. I rarely see you even though we live in the same house and when we do see each other, you look so tired and sad. I just want to make sure you're okay. I miss you meimei." She said as she smiled sadly at me.

"Don't worry about it jiejie. I'm fine really. I missed you too. Now, why don't I just take a shower and change, and I'll just send these to dad and then we can go for some sisterly bonding? I'll meet you downstairs jie." I smiled at my sister and gave her a little hug. She nodded and left my room. I sighed and tidied up the papers on top of my bed.

"Yiyun! Yiyun!" I called out. Then the door opened to reveal the face of a handsome looking individual.

"Morning Princess. Whatcha need?" The person asked playfully.

Yiyun is my best friend/personal assistant and her family has been serving my family for centuries. And yes, you read that right. SHE. Sorry ladies but she's a woman. She's the closest thing I have to family except for Jing jiejie.

"Can you take these downstairs and make sure they're sent to Dad in Shanghai? They're all organized and I just need you to deliver them to the company." I said, pointing to the stacks of paper neatly placed on my bed.

"Sure. No problem Princess" she answered, ruffling my hair.

I glared at her and swatted her hand away. She raised both her hands up in surrender and proceeded to take the papers from my bed and headed out of my room. After she closed the door, I went into my bathroom to shower.

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