Chapter 49

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It had been a few weeks since Ah Si was hospitalized then discharged after a few days. We held a small celebration for him along with Xiaozi, Xiaoyou, Li Zhen and Qinghe. A lot of time has passed since then, Ximen and Xiaoyou were now happily dating.

To say that all of us were shocked was an understatement. We all know Ximen wasn't the serious type in relationships but he seems really serious with Xiaoyou. He's kind and careful around the younger girl. Of course, he had to deal with multiple punches from Shancai who threatened him that if he made Xiaoyou cry, she'd make him pay.

Ximen being smart and not wanting to taste her flying kick, sincerely promised that he would take care of Xiaoyou. Ah Si and Shancai's relationship was also going well in fact, Ah Si proposed to her yesterday and I couldn't be happier.

Today, we were at the tea shop, having drinks and just talking. We all congratulated Xiaoyou because she had already been promoted to manager. But no one could be happier than Ximen.

"Who would've thought that the big-eyed, stubby girl with no grace would look so pretty and cute now?" Meizuo teased Shancai and I laughed as Shancai gave him a kind smile.

"I wish I could kiss her." Lei suddenly said and we all turned to him with wide eyes. Probably not the best thing to say with Ah Si beside him.

"I won't be able to see Shancai anymore when I go abroad. Are you jealous?" Lei teased as he turned to Ah Si who glared at him.

"Yes. I am jealous. Especially of you." Ah Si said through gritted teeth.

"Then I have to kiss her." Lei stated before getting up and swiftly kissing Shancai on the forehead. We all watched in shock. We didn't think he'd do it.

"Hey! Watch it! Lei! What's your problem?" Ah Si yelled, grabbing Lei by the collar who teasingly smiled at him. Meizuo and Ximen tried to calm him down.

"Calm down. It was just one kiss. It's fine." Ximen reasoned.

"Then I'll kiss Xiaoyou then!" Ah Si stated, looking at Ximen before getting up to kiss Xiaoyou who stepped away. Ximen quickly stood up to keep Ah Si away from his girlfriend, blocking him. Ah Si kept chasing Xiaoyou when Shancai suddenly called him out.

"Daoming Si!" She said, making Ah Si stop and look at her. She pointed to his chair, he frowned before slumping back down to sit. We all stared in awe and applauded Shancai.

"I guess Shancai was right. You are like a dog Ah Si." I joked and he glared in reply.

"Speaking of kisses, Meizuo, when are you going to propose to Shui?" Lei suddenly asked and I choked on my drink. Ah Si handed me a tissue as I wiped my lips while Meizuo patted my back.

"Lei, don't shock us like that." I scolded and he smiled.

"So what's your plan? You're not gonna let yourself be beaten by Ah Si's proposal to Shancai right?" Ximen asked and I looked to Meizuo who grabbed my hand.

"Soon." He said, smiling at me.

"Don't worry Zuo, I'm not in a rush okay? Let's take our time." I said and he smiled before kissing my hand.

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I was helping Shancai cook because Ah Si and Auntie were coming over for lunch to talk about their wedding. Shancai declined at first but I insisted because I really wanted to help her out because she was panicking the entire night about what to wear and what to cook.

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