Chapter 19

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After shooting the commercial, Meizuo offered to drive me home and I tried to decline, not wanting to cause any more awkwardness between us but I didn't bring my car. So I had no choice but to ride home with him. I had changed out of my dress and into a black and white striped tee and dark blue overalls with the leg pants rolled up with some white Keds. I pulled my hair up into a loose ponytail.

The car ride was quiet for 30 minutes as Meizuo focused on the road while I fiddled with my phone. But from the corner of my eye, I could see him stealing glances at me. I was frustrated with the situation and decided to break the silence.

"Hey, Zuo?" I timidly asked as he hummed in response.

"Stop over there," I said as I pointed at the corner of the street. He stopped the car and looked at me as I got out of the car and he followed. He looked around and then back at me.

"So why are we stopping here?" He asked, confused. I gave him a small smile and grabbed his hand.

"Come on," I said as I dragged him towards a small convenience store. I went in and walked over to the freezer. I pulled out a tub of mango ice cream and headed for the counter to pay. Meizuo stood beside me as he looked around the store. After I paid, we went out and dragged him towards the beach. You see, there's a small beachfront here and I used to come here alone whenever I argued with my parents or just had to get away.

We took off our shoes and Meizuo grabbed my hand and led me to sit on the sand. I opened the tub and gave Meizuo a spoon. He smiled and ate the ice cream. We just sat there in complete silence, the only sound that could be heard was the soft crashing of the waves. I glanced at Meizuo who had a small smile on his lips. I took a deep breath before facing him.

"Zuo." I asked softly which made him look at me.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" He asked as he noticed my sullen expression.

"I-uh.." I started as I fiddled with my fingers nervously.

"Shui?" He asked.

"DoyouthinkAhSiandLeiwillbeokay?" I rapidly said which made him look at me in confusion.

"What?" He asked again.

"Do you think Ah Si and Lei will be okay?" I repeated.

"I don't know Shui. The situation's different now especially with Shancai involved. Why? Did you hear anything from Ah Si?" He asked.

"Ah Si told me that it was about time that he made it up to Lei. After he broke that Spiderman toy that Lei had when he was younger." I explained and Meizuo's eyebrows furrowed.

"What? What does he mean? Is he giving up on Shancai?" He asked and I nodded.

"I guess so." I sighed as I leaned my head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around me.

'I don't have the strength to tell you how I feel right now Zuo. I just wanna stay where I am right now and enjoy this.'

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A few days had passed since the commercial and the director said it would be out in a few days. Ah Si had told all of us (even Lei) to meet him at the Bridge club room because he had something to say.

"London? You're going to London?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's not a big deal. My mom's business is there. It's normal for me to be there." Ah Si nonchalantly answered as he played with a deck of cards.

"Liar. You hate it in London. Are you trying to avoid Lei and Shancai?" Meizuo asked.

"Why would I avoid them?" He defended.

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