Chapter 32

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After I had dinner with the boys, Meizuo dropped me off. That was 30 minutes ago. We were talking on against the hood of his car, steps away from my house.

"Do you really have to go? Can't you just sleep over?" I asked as I pouted at Meizuo who just laughed and hugged me from behind as I leaned into him. He rested his head on my shoulder and sighed. I closed my eyes and placed my hands where his arms were.

"I wish I could but I have to go home. I still have a paper to write that's due in the morning." He said and I got out his embrace. I crossed my arms and pouted at him.

"Okay. I won't keep you. See you tomorrow Zuo." I teased as I moved to go inside when he pulled me back and trapped me in his arms.

"Ah ah ah. You forgot something...where's my goodnight kiss?" He teased with a smile and I laughed.

"Goodnight." I said as I moved to leave but he held me there.

"Nope. I said a goodnight KISS." He teased and I leaned in closer as he closed his eyes. I silently laughed and pecked him on the cheek as I ran inside.

"Hey! Shuijing! That's not fair!" I heard him complain from the other side of the door.

"Bye Zuo!" I teased as he pouted and waved goodbye before blowing me a kiss. I smiled and waved back before heading upstairs to change and get some sleep.

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I woke up early the next day to meet up with my parents and oversee the last of the decorations for the party then I was meeting up with the boys for lunch. I was sad that Jie couldn't come, she still had some things to do in Paris.

The party was going to be held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, the ballroom specifically. It was furnished with blue velvet carpets and the walls were decorated with white flowers that were painted in different shades of blues, pinks and purples. Each table was silver in color with white chairs. On the wall behind the stage was an opal colored background with the words "Shuijing at 22" written in gold cursive lettering and under that was the time and venue of the party.

"Has Jongin contacted you? Why isn't he here?" Dad asked.

"He still had some things to look over at the company but he'll be here tonight." I said and Dad nodded. He then walked over to the party organizer and discussed the remaining details.

"Have you decided on your dress yet?" Mom asked as I looped my arm with hers and walked around the ballroom.

"Yes. A friend of mine designed it mom. It's gorgeous." I beamed and my mom laughed. We stopped walking and she held up her hand to caress my face with her thumb.

"You've grown so much dear, I can't believe you're turning 22. It feels like yesterday when I helped you walk across the floor and now, you're slowly becoming one of the most brilliant women in this era. I'm so proud of you dear." She said and I teared up as she pulled me in for a hug.

My heart raced as I thought of what would happen later tonight.

"Oh! It seems you have a visitor." My mom said as she pulled away and stepped back. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I turned my head to see Meizuo smiling and waving at me. I laughed as he walked closer.

"What are you doing here Zuo?" I asked as he gave me a small hug.

"Well we are meeting up for lunch with Ah Si and the rest and I was nearby so I decided to pick you up." He said as he gave me a smile.

"My my. You've become such a charming gentleman Meizuo." My mom commented as she smiled at Meizuo who kissed her cheek.

"Hi Auntie. I'll be borrowing Shuijing for a while. We promised to meet up with Ah Si, Ximen and Lei for lunch." He explained and my mom smiled. She had always liked Meizuo but my dad thought otherwise. He'd make it a point to remind me about Meizuo's history with women but I never listened.

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