Chapter 13

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I woke up early that day because I was gonna drop by Mingde to give Shancai and the boys their presents. I was wearing a black mini dress with white vertical stripes over a collared white and blue striped long-sleeved top with white socks and black patent leather Mary Jane stilettos. I had on a white beret and a blue studded bag with a doodle of an owl.

When I arrived it was about 8 am, the boys still had class so I decided to look for Shancai. I bumped into Qinghe.

"Shuijing! Hi!" he said cheerfully and I smiled.

" Hi Qinghe, have you seen Shancai by any chance? I have something for her." I asked as I gestured to the large paper bag I was holding.

"I'm not sure. Maybe she's at the rooftop Shuijing." He answered and I nodded and went on my way.

When I walked up, I could hear people talking. One was Shancai and the other sounded like Lei. I hid from them and listened in on their conversation. I peeked in from the corner of a wall so that I could see them a little.

"You're dating Ah Si?" I heard Lei ask.

"I'm not. I never agreed to it. It's all his idea." Shancai defended.

"Good," Lei said which made me frown. What was his deal?

"Shancai, be my girlfriend." Lei declared which almost made me drop the bag I was holding.

"Am I not better than Ah Si?" Lei pressed which made me mad. Why was Lei acting like this?

"Are you...Are you really Huaze Lei?" Shancai asked, clearly shocked at his behavior.

"I'm just kidding. Did you believe me? You're so cute." Lei said as he laughed. That's just cruel.

"Kidding?" Shancai asked as she stared at him. Lei stared at the sky.

"I can't steal Ah Si's girlfriend. He's my brother." Lei said but then he turned to Shancai.

"Are you disappointed? How about we secretly date behind Ah Si's back? Doesn't that sound exciting?" Lei teased as he leaned in closer to her. What the hell? This wasn't the Lei I grew up with. He pulled away from Shancai and smiled.

"Did you believe it again?" He teased and that was the last straw. I stepped out from behind the wall, holding the paper bag. Shancai probably heard the clacking of my heels and turned to me.

"Shuijing." She said which made Lei turn to me. I gave Shancai a small smile as I walked up to her.

"Shancai, I was looking for you. I got you something." I said as I handed her the paper bag.

"What's this for?" she asked she took it from my hands. I gave her a smile.

"Just something you can use," I said as I winked at her. There were makeup and a few clothes in the bag. She smiled.

"Thank you Shuijing." She said and I nodded. Then, I turned to Lei.

"Shancai, I believe your class is starting," I said, keeping my eyes on Lei. She nodded and walked away. Lei looked at me with a smile.

"What Shuijing?" he asked teasingly but I wasn't having it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"What? I was just joking around." He said as he laughed.

"It wasn't funny Lei. You shouldn't play with other people's feelings. You know Shancai likes you and you're well aware of the fact that she's very important to Ah Si." I scolded then suddenly he walked closer to me. He gave me a smile and leaned in closer.

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