Chapter 38

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I was getting ready to head for Mingde because apparently there was trouble. Lei had been calling Ah Si and Shancai nonstop since yesterday to no avail. What happened now?

I was throwing on my white oversized coat over my thin black long-sleeved turtleneck which was tucked into a short black leather skater skirt. I had on some black tights underneath with gray suede thigh high heeled boots.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to my car, driving off to Mingde.

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After parking my car, I headed for the big stairs where I saw Lei looking worried on the phone. Ximen and Meizuo saw me and walked over as well.

"What's going on?" I asked as Meizuo kissed my cheek.

"Shancai's phone isn't available and Ah Si's been dodging my calls." Lei explained and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Did something happen? Did they have a fight?" Ximen asked and Lei shrugged.

" I don't know." Lei said and I gasped when I saw Ah Si walking towards us. I nudged the boys and gestured to Ah Si. He had a look on his face that I didn't like, it was how he looked like when the boys were high school seniors. He looked....murderous.

He bumped into people and finally stopped in front of us, his head hanging low. I noticed Qinghe approaching as well, standing beside Lei.

"Ah Si, why did Shancai disappear?" Lei asked but Ah Si stayed silent.

"Wasn't she staying with you all this time? Why would she disappear? Did you make her mad again?" Meizuo prodded. Still no response from Ah Si.

"Daoming Si. Where's Shancai? She has no home and no money. How would she survive?" Qinghe asked, obviously worried for her.

"Is it because of what happened a few days ago? Shancai sacrificed herself to protect them, right?" Lei inquired and I sighed. That sounds like something Shancai would do. Sacrifice her happiness for the good of all. Qinghe looked at Lei in realization, his mouth agape.

"It looks like what happened to Xiaoyou's family and mine is all because of your mom?" Qinghe asked.

"Shut up." Ah Si answered calmly but anger was evident in his voice.

"Shut up? Daoming Si. Why did you let your mom do such a thing to us? Why did she do such a thing to Shancai?" Qinghe asked in desperation but Ah Si kept quiet.

"What did Shancai sacrifice? Where exactly is she? Why can't you protect her?" Qinghe continued in anger and Ah Si lost it. He grabbed Qinghe by his shirt and glared at him.

"I said shut up! Don't you get that?" Ah Si threatened and I frowned.

"Ah Si." Meizuo and Ximen warned but Ah Si didn't budge and continued to glare at Qinghe, his hold tightening.

"Ah Si, let him go." I said calmly and Ah Si looked back at me, glaring. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him a glare that rivaled his own. He sighed and shoved Qinghe back, walking away from us.

"Did you see the look on Ah Si's face? It's the same as before." Meizuo said and I sighed, nodding in agreement.

"The old Ah Si is back again." Ximen declared and we all looked back at Ah Si's retreating figure.

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I walked hand in hand with Meizuo as we headed for my car. Today was the 2nd and last day of my shoot for BLANC & ECLARE so he was going to join me. Ximen and Lei were trying to figure out what to do with Ah Si and where Shancai was.

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