Chapter 17

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I had just left a meeting with one of the directors for an ad that I was shooting in a few days and now I was driving to a restaurant where the guys and I frequented to meet them for coffee. I was wearing a purple ruffled tuxedo style silk long-sleeved blouse with a bow tucked into a yellow metallic leather skirt. I had on some large geometric gold hoop earrings and nude ankle strap heels.

I parked my car and headed inside, searching for the boys. I saw Meizuo call me over and I flashed him a smile as I walked over. I sat beside Ah Si while Meizuo sat across from me with Ximen beside him. Across the hall from us was Qinghe on a separate table, alone. Ah Si was silently tapping his coffee mug with his ring on his forefinger. He seemed to be frustrated. I heard laughter and turned my head to see what it was and my eyes landed on a certain table. Lei and Shancai. They were sitting a few tables away from us. Lei seemed to be teaching her how to play Bridge. They seemed to be having a good time. I turned back to look at Meizuo who was playing with a deck of cards while Ximen was reading a book.

"It's tomorrow huh?" I asked as I sipped my coffee. Meizuo nodded as he turned to look at Ah Si who was just silent and continued to tap his mug. Qinghe looked over at us in annoyance as he slammed his fists on top of the table which made us look over at him. Ximen shook his head while Meizuo continued to play with the cards. I just looked away and tried to keep my silence when Qinghe slammed his fists on the table again and walked over to us. Meizuo and I looked at him while Ximen and Ah Si remained indifferent.

"If Shancai leaves Mingde, I'll leave F4." He proclaimed as Ah Si drank his coffee.

"Do you know what you're saying?" Ah Si said threateningly, not looking at Qinghe.

"Although it's cool to be a part of F4 if you bully Shancai, you're my enemy." He continued as he let out a deep breath.

"Qinghe, you're not that important. And Shancai doesn't even like you." Meizuo pointed out as he placed the deck of cards on the table. I let out a small laugh as I drank my coffee which made Meizuo smile at me.

"That doesn't matter. I like Shancai. If I expect the person I like to like me as well, that's not manly at all." He said as he turned to Ah Si.

"Daoming Si. If you like Shancai, you have to treat her nicely. Even if Shancai doesn't like you, it should be enough for you to see her happy, isn't it?" Qinghe pointed out and I smirked.

"He has a point, Ah Si." I said as I patted Ah Si on the back as he glared at me. I just shrugged and drank my coffee.

"Qinghe, I suddenly realized that you have the potential to join F4. What you just said is very manly." Ximen said as he put down his book and looked at Qinghe.

"Start practicing how to play Bridge. This way, if F4 loses a member at least we can have a full team in competitions." Meizuo added as he looked at Qinghe and I nodded in approval. I glanced at Ah Si. He seemed to ponder on what Qinghe said to him.

"Hey Shui." Ximen asked which made me turn to him and I hummed in response.

"What's this news I've been hearing about your parents setting you up on a date with the son of a multi-billionaire company in Thailand?" He asked which made Meizuo turn to me with curious eyes.

I laughed.

"Oh that. Yeah, I went out with him last night." I answered nonchalantly as I leaned on the back of the couch.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Meizuo asked with furrowed brows.

"I didn't think it was important Zuo. Besides, it was just one date. I'm not planning on going out with him again."I said as I ran my fingers through my hair.

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