Chapter 36

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Meizuo and I were at this old bookstore where they sold and made personalized wax seals and stationary. I decided to ask if they knew the seal on the letter.

I handed over the paper to the old man behind the desk.

"Ah yes dear. This seal was made with yellow gold wax, the paper is made from pine trees. This seal is very rare dear. Only one customer of mine had it made." He explained kindly and I gulped.

"Do you remember who they are?" I asked.

"Let me check my list dear." He kindly said as he walked over to the other side of the counter to grab a brown leather notebook that looked really worn out.

"Now let's see here..yellow gold seal..engraved BE..." He started as he scanned the pages of the notebook before stopping on one and at the same time, my breath got caught in my throat which prompted Meizuo to rub my shoulder.

"Calm down Shui." He whispered and I took a deep breath.

"Ah! Here we are dear." He says and I look to where he pointed. On the paper were the words: Wax seal, yellow gold. Engraving: Cursive BE. Pick up by Monday. Customer: JSY.

"JSY? Who's that?" I asked and I sighed.

"I'm afraid I'm not sure dear. But I can tell you she was a woman dear. Very elegant and very kind." The old man said and I smiled.

"If you can recall further details, please do contact me." I said as I handed him my calling card and a kind smile.

"Of course dear. I'll get back to you." He kindly stated as we bid goodbye and headed for Mingde.

I drove in silence, thinking about those initials. JSY. BE. What do they mean?

"Shuijing?" Meizuo asked and I hummed in response.

"You know I think there's like a brand with BE for initials." He suggested and I frowned.

"I've looked it up and there's a hundred of those Zuo." I said and he grasped my other hand that was on my lap while the other was on the steering wheel.

"We'll find something okay? I'm right here." He reassured me as he brought my hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss which made me smile.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I walked hand in hand with Meizuo as I shivered from the cold. I still felt cold despite having multiple layers of clothes. I was wearing a black long-sleeved turtleneck tucked into high waisted black trousers and an oversized brown plaid jacket with black zip-up ankle boots.

We were heading for the club room when we saw Lei and Ximen with Ah Si who was smiling stupidly. Shancai was walking away with Qinghe and Li Zhen.

"What's with him?" I asked Lei who mouthed 'Shancai' which made me laugh in amusement.

"So Shancai's been staying with you after she was driven out by her landlady?" Ximen asked as he and Meizuo placed their hands on Ah Si's shoulders.

"Yes. She even woke me up this morning. " Ah Si said dreamily as he looked at the direction where Shancai went. Lei and I looked at him in amusement.

It's official. Daoming Si has lost it.

"What? Did I hear you right?" Meizuo asked cheekily.

"She woke you up? That means..." Ximen continued and I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what they were thinking.

Hiraeth ; Meteor Garden 2018Where stories live. Discover now