Chapter 43

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I looked at Sooyeon with shaky eyes, then to Meizuo who looked just as shocked and finally to Mr. and Mrs. Jung or...

Mom and Dad?

"S-soojung..Is that really you?" Mrs. Jung said, cupping my face. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Oh my baby! You're here!" She said, pulling me in for a hug as I hugged her back tightly, sobbing.

"Are you really my mom?" I asked and she nodded vigorously, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"My baby is back." I heard a voice say as I pulled away from the hug, only to be met by the warm smile of Mr. Jung.

My dad.

"Oh Soojung, you're finally home." He said, hugging me as I hugged back tightly. I cried as a warm feeling crept into my heart.

I'm home.


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"You've grown up so well dear, so beautiful." Mom told me as she caressed my cheek as I gave her a smile.

"Thank you. I got it from you." I teased, prompting a laugh from Sooyeon, Meizuo, and Dad.

"Aren't you sweet?" Mom said as she kissed my forehead when I noticed Dad eyeing Meizuo.

"Meizuo." He said, prompting Meizuo to look at him. I almost laughed when I saw fear in his eyes and that's when I realized that this was the first time he was formally meeting my parents. My real parents.

"S-sir?" Meizuo stuttered.

"How long have you known my daughter?" He asked sternly.

"Ever since we were kids. Jing and Shuijing were my friend Lei's neighbors and we played with them along with my other friends Ximen and Ah Si." Meizuo explained as I grasped his hand to calm him down.

"Mhm and how long have you been in a relationship with my daughter?" He asked and my eyebrows furrowed. Meizuo and I have only been together for a few months but I can't recall how long exactly.

"We'll be on our 7th month this coming 6th sir." Meizuo explained and I wasn't shocked that he remembered more than I did. This guy knows his exes' phone numbers and has them all memorized for Pete's sake.

No, not jealous, just pointing it out.

(A/N: Shuijing/Soojung, stop talking to my precious readers and get back to the story!)

Fine, have it your way stingy.

"7 months huh? That's quite short." Dad commented and I was getting nervous by the minute.

"Yes, but I've been in love with your daughter ever since we were kids." Meizuo said, looking at me as I lovingly stared at him.

"And why did you just start dating now?" Dad continued.

"I was scared sir. I was scared that if I pursued her and things didn't end well, I'd lose my friendship with her. But now, I took the risk and told her I loved her and I always will." Meizuo said, kissing my hand that he was holding.

Mom and Sooyeon awed in delight and I saw Dad smile in approval.

"You seem like a nice young man Meizuo. I trust you so don't ever make her cry okay? We just got her back and I don't want to lose her again." Dad told Meizuo and Meizuo nodded.

"You have my word, sir." Meizuo replied, earning a smile from Dad.

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