Chapter 24

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Auntie's spicy noodles must have had some kind of magic ingredient in it cause I felt a lot better. Shancai and I arrived 15 minutes early before the event so she could change while I looked for the boys in the audience area. The competition would be televised as well as live-streamed on a mobile app.

"Hey. Shuijing!" I saw Ximen who waved me over. Meizuo gave me a smile which I ignored, I saw him frown but he stood up anyway and moved so I could sit next to him. I shook my head and moved to sit between Lei and Ah Si. I felt him sit back down behind me.

"You look pretty today Shui. How are you feeling?" Lei said and I gave him a soft smile besides my runny nose and occasional coughs, I still looked healthy. I was wearing a thin white turtle neck long-sleeved sweater that reached my fingertips tucked into some brown plaid trousers and a matching plaid jacket with black buttons. I had on some black leather high heeled platform ankle boots and a gold heart pendant that was a gift from Lei.

"A lot better. Shancai's mom made me eat at their place before we left." I said and Lei smiled as he ruffled my hair. I could hear Meizuo grumble but I ignored it and waited for the competition to start.

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The contest started shortly after and the top 10 contestants that were selected from the open auditions were shown and introduced. Zhou Caina was introduced and I felt my stomach drop. She was gorgeous, not as pretty as Jie but more than me. I slightly turned my head to see Meizuo smiling at her in awe. Lei noticed and squeezed my hand. I gave him a smile as Shancai was next. I laughed said hi to her parents and stated that she was on TV.

It went into a commercial break which deeply annoyed Ah Si.

"What the hell? There are so many commercials." Ah Si grumbled and I laughed.

"Ah Si, the official competition hasn't started yet. Just be patient." I pointed out as he continued to pout.

"It's been forever. It's been like one hour, right?" Ah Si asked Lei.

"It's only been five minutes, okay?" Meizuo retorted.

"He's in love. Days feel like years to him." Ximen teased and I let out a small laugh.

"That Caina looks even better in person." Meizuo mentioned and my smile dropped.

"You're watching someone else? Ah Si's going to beat you up." Ximen warned and Meizuo just laughed. Not long after, the competition started.

The first challenge was to make a stir fry dish and Shancai proceeded to make one of mom's dishes which gave her the push she needed to pass the first round. The second challenge was to create a pastry dish which worried me since I couldn't recall Shancai making one. But she surprised us all.

Zhou Caina was explaining her dish and I have to admit, it was amazing.

"I like this girl." I heard Meizuo say. My heart cracked a little but I put on a brave face and listened on as Shancai went up next.

She had made a plain flower candy which didn't seem that attractive but as soon as she explained the story behind it, the judges seemed to agree and quite like it despite its appearance and she had passed the second round along with Caina.

The competition went on a commercial break and we all headed backstage to see Shancai. Caina was talking to Shancai. Meizuo was holding a paper bag with some coffee inside.

"Shancai. Drink something warm and relax." He said as he handed her a cup which he thanked her for. She saw us and gave me a big hug.

"I was so nervous Shuijing. I almost peed my pants." She joked and I patted her back.

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