Chapter 12

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I sat on the hood of my car beside Meizuo, who was looking at me intently with his arms crossed across his chest. I sighed.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, as I played with my fingers and looked down.

"Everything but first I wanna know, who is this guy anyway?" he said, as lifted up my chin with his finger.

"He's someone I've liked for a while now. I don't even think I can call it 'like' now. I love him. I'm in love with him even though I know he'll never love me back." I said sadly as I looked down.

"How do you know that?" he asked with a hint of irritation.

"Because I know him. He's not exactly the settling down type and you know me Zuo. I want to be with someone who'll love me and only me for the rest of my life and I'll do the same. I don't wanna experience the 'falling in love' and 'getting my heart broken' phase. Look at Ah Si. It's the first time I've seen him like that and that scares me. I don't wanna feel what he's feeling Zuo. I don't think my heart can take any more rejection...I get that enough from my parents.." I trailed off and didn't even realize I was crying. Meizuo pulled me in for a hug and I hugged back as I sobbed onto his chest.

"Hey. it's okay Shuijing.." He comforted, as he rubbed my back while I continued to cry. I pulled away while he continued to hold me by my shoulders.

"Whoever this guy is, he's lucky okay? Because he has such a kind and wonderful girl who loves him." he said, as he gave me a smile. I smiled back and hugged him.

"And if he doesn't like you, screw him okay? He'll have to deal with the F4 beating him up." He joked and I frowned.

'That's just it. You can't beat him up cause he's part of F4' I thought as I hugged him tighter.

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The next day, I stayed home and finished up the paperwork that Dad had sent me early on that morning. There was twice as much amount as usual. I guess their frustration with Jie was passed on to me. I sighed as I read through the rest of the paperwork.

It was around lunchtime when I finished half of it. My stomach grumbled and I was about to go downstairs to cook when my phone suddenly rang. I looked at the caller ID: "Zuozuo". It was a video call and when I answered, it was him and Ximen.

"Hey Shuijing. We're almost close to finding out who posted those pictures." said Ximen. My interest was peaked.

"What have you found out so far?" I asked as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Well it's a she and we're cracking her IP address since she used a fake VPN to post it." Meizuo explained as I nodded.

"Okay. Let me know when you guys find out who it is okay? I gotta go. I still have some stuff to do. Bye!" I said, as I hung up and went downstairs to cook.

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It was half past 10 when I finished all the paperwork when I got a call from Ah Si.

"Hello Ah Si? What's up?" I asked as I organized the paperwork into a neat pile near my computer.

"Shuijing, Meizuo and Ximen texted me and they know who posted those pictures of Shancai. Meizuo and Ximen are dropping by your place to pick you up and then we'll meet up at that person's place.", he said.

"Okay but wait what about Shancai? Shouldn't she know who framed her?" I said, as I thought about the poor girl who was bullied endlessly in the past couple of days.

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