Chapter 18

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"33721842369." Ximen recited as I rolled my eyes.

"17718512317." Meizuo retorted.

We had just finished dinner and moved to the living room. On the couch, I sat in between Ximen and Meizuo while Shancai sat at the very end of the couch and Lei was on a separate chair. Zhuang Jie sat near the bookcase on a separate chair while Qinghe was on a single couch.

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Jie asked amused.

"A memory game by testing which one has a better memory by reciting their numerous, NUMEROUS, exes' phone numbers," I emphasized on the word numerous which earned me a glare from Ximen and Meizuo. I just shrugged and smiled innocently.

"17701672125," Meizuo said which made Ximen look at him.

"Isn't that Li's number?" He asked.

"She liked me first." Meizuo bragged. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Shut up," Ximen answered.

"Hey, we shouldn't be the only ones doing this. Girls should participate too. Shuijing?" Ximen asked as he turned to me.

"I don't have an ex-boyfriend Ximen. I've been single for 21 years remember?" I said annoyed.

"Why is that Shuijing? You're a very pretty girl and you're smart enough not to get tricked by boys so why haven't you dated?" Zhuang Jie asked and I shrugged.

"I just haven't found the right guy Zhuang Jie.." I said as I sipped my juice.

"Then what about-" Ximen started but I cut him off with the glare and he cleared his throat and turned to Shancai.

"Shancai, tell us an ex-boyfriend's number." He asked Shancai who was silent.

"Shancai doesn't have an ex-boyfriend. You don't need to ask her." Qinghe interjected.

"Ah Si's number is 10881217039." Lei recited as we all looked at him.

"Oh, please. Daoming Si is not Shancai's ex-boyfriend. He liked her by himself. Right, Shancai?" Qinghe asked which earned him a hit on the back of the head from Meizuo.

"Why did you hit me again?" Qinghe complained as he glared at Meizuo.

"Shancai. How far have you and Lei gone?" Zhuang Jie asked which caused them both to grow silent.

"We went out on a date." Shancai said.

"Shancai may seem like a buffalo compared to the gorgeous Jing, but Lei, this is not what a normal guy would do." Zhuang jie lectured and I nodded.

"Zhuang jie, the most intimate they got was probably at the airport when Lei kissed Shancai's forehead." Ximen pointed out.

"You two are moving too slowly. That's why Ah Si had the chance to get between you. How about spending the night together tonight, just the two of you, so that you can have some quality time together?" Zhuang jie suggested. I smiled.

"What does that mean? What are you planning to do?" Qinghe asked as we looked at him.

"Sure." We all turned to look at Lei in shock. We didn't expect him to agree. Shancai didn't either.

"I wanted to speak to Shancai alone anyway." Lei continued as Shancai looked at in confusion.

Zhuang jie gave them a spare bedroom to stay in and I guess we were too since it was late. Meizuo and Ximen were roomed together while I got a room all to my self. Qinghe had already gone home but not before threatening Meizuo and Ximen that he would hurt them if anything happened to Shancai.

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