Chapter 15

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The sunbeams outside my window hit my face and I groaned as I rolled on my stomach, covering myself with the thick fabric of my blanket. I'm not much of a morning person. I probably snoozed for about 5 minutes before my alarm went off. I got out of the blanket and stretched.

I got off my bed and headed for my bathroom for a shower. After 30 minutes, I walked over to my closet and proceeded to dry my hair as I picked out my clothes. I threw on my clothes which consisted of a black and pale yellow button-up sweater vest over a white lace collared long sleeve top tucked into dark blue jeans with brown leather ankle zip-up boots. I straightened my hair and applied some red lipstick on. I grabbed my phone and car keys and placed it in my black Louis Vuitton crossbody bag.

I headed downstairs and grabbed some toast and a thermos of mango smoothie I had made the night before. I locked my front door and walked over to my car. I buckled my seat belt and drove to Mingde.

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I was walking through the halls, looking for the boys. It was still early and from what I know, first and second-period class had just ended so it was a little crowded. I walked around for another few minutes when I finally Meizuo and Ximen talking and walking.

"GUYS!" I called as I waved them over. They both stopped and looked over where I was. They smiled and walked over, giving me a hug.

"Hey Shui. We missed you! You weren't answering our texts or messages!" Ximen dramatically complained while Meizuo and I laughed.

"Ximen, you know exactly where I live. You could've just dropped by." I sarcastically answered as Ximen glared at me.

"Where's Ah Si?" I asked as I looked around for F4's leader who was nowhere in sight. They both looked at each other then back at me.

"What?" I asked, confused. We started walking.

"Ah Si has been avoiding Lei and us all together. He didn't come to class earlier." Meizuo explained worriedly. I frowned.

"Lei has been spending a lot of time with Shancai lately," Ximen said. I sighed and closed my eyes in frustration.

"Where's Lei?" I asked.

"We don't know. He hasn't been himself either. Maybe he's-" Meizuo trailed off as he looked ahead and stopped walking which caused me and Ximen to stop and look as well. Lei.

"Lei. Let's talk." Ximen called out while Lei had his back to us. I stood in between Ximen and Meizuo and I could hear the students around us gossiping about Shancai and Lei.

We walked closer but I stopped when I saw Ah Si from the corner of my eye. So I stepped back and went to give him a hug which he returned. I could see in his eyes that he was masking his pain with anger.

"You okay?" I asked worriedly. He gave me a weak smile and nodded.

"You know Ah Si likes Shancai a lot, right?" Ximen said which caused Lei to turned around and face all of us. I turned to look at Ah Si who kept his eyes trained on Lei. I looked at Lei and his eyes held so much regret and sadness.

"I know. What is there to talk about?" Lei answered as he turned to leave.

"Huaze Lei. What is going on? Are you really dating Shancai?" Ximen pressed.

"No way, right? You wouldn't do anything to hurt your friend." Meizuo asked, hoping for the latter.

"Lei, have you lost your mind after losing Jing? You could've gotten any another girl. You know Shancai is Ah Si's--" Ximen continued but was cut off by Ah Si.

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