Chapter 8

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Villa Roman

Shanghai, China

The party was in full swing and all that's left was for Jie's entrance. I was with Mom and Dad, as they conversed with their business partners. I smiled and did my best to be as "perfect" as possible.

"Jing has really grown up beautifully and Shuijing here is slowly following her sister's footsteps." one chimed in.

"Yes, and might I say you look gorgeous in that dress my dear! Exquisite!" another complimented, in which I smiled and thanked her. I was wearing an ivory midi dress with gold lace, and thick ivory ribbons for the straps and had on matching ivory colored ankle strap heels. My hair was curled lightly to create soft waves and I had on some silver rhinestone crystal linear drop earrings and a gold bracelet that was a gift from Jie.

After a few minutes, I saw Shancai and Qinghe and another girl I didn't recognize. They were near the dessert table, so I excused myself and went to say hi.

"Shancai! Qinghe! Wow, you look great!" I smiled as I walked up to them. They both smiled and waved at me.

"Hi, Shuijing. You look so beautiful." Shancai complimented as she looked at me.

"Yeah! You look like a goddess!" Qinghe exclaimed excitedly as I laughed and thanked him. I turned to the girl that Shancai had yet to introduce me to.

"Oh, Shuijing this is Xiaoyou. She's mine and Qinghe's best friend since middle school." Shancai explained, as I smiled at the girl and held out my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Xiaoyou." I said, as I shook her hand and she did the same.

"You too." she answered as she smiled. I could see and hear the excitement of the other guests around me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but then I noticed Qinghe, Xiaoyou, and Shancai's eyes drift at something behind me so I turned my head to look. I sighed in contentment.

Sometimes, I forget how good looking my friends are.

They're here. The F4 minus Lei who was upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms getting ready.

I smiled as I excused myself from the three freshmen who were still staring at the 3 handsome tux clad boys that just arrived. I proceeded to walk up to them, but as soon as I took one step, a swarm of female guests crowded them. I shook my head and laughed as they took pictures and flirted with the boys. I held my head high and walked to the crowd. I tapped the girl in front of me who was about to look annoyed, but when she turned to me, her eyes widened and she moved away from the boys. As soon as she did, the rest of the guests did too. Ximen was the first to notice me.

"Shuijing! You look great!" he said as he gave me a side hug, which I returned then I turned to Ah Si who sheepishly smiled at me. I guess he was still guilty over what happened and that I had to see him like that. I gave him a hug and a sympathetic smile, and he smiled as he pulled away and moved so I could see Meizuo.

I thought that the world had stopped turning and that we were the only people in the room at that moment. He smiled as he walked closer to me. 'God, why did you have to make this man so irresistible? I'm dying here!' I squealed in my head.

"Well, don't you look stunning.." he said, as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. I blushed as I gave him a smile back and fixed his crooked bow tie.

"Not so bad yourself." I answered as I brushed off some imaginary dust from his tux's shoulders. I turned back to Ximen and Ah Si, and I smiled.

"You all do. Let's go meet my parents. They've been wanting to see you guys." I said, as Zuo held out his arm for me to take- as Ah Si and Ximen moved to follow us. Ximen stopped and took notice of Shancai trying to hide, which caused Meizuo, Ah Si and I to stop. I assumed it was because she saw Ah Si.

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