Chapter 10

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I found Meizuo and Ximen dragging Qinghe to the cafeteria. I was walking close behind them. Qinghe looked at me.

"Shuijing! Help me, please! I have to save Shancai! Daoming Si obviously cheated to make her do his bidding!" He exclaimed which made me scoff.

"Qinghe, Ah Si would never do anything drastic. He didn't cheat and neither did Meizuo. I've known F4 since I was a kid and they've never cheated on anything. But you on the other hand.." I said as I looked at him, disappointed.

"Qinghe, you have to understand that cheating on any kind of platform, no matter how insignificant it is, is wrong. Ah Si and Zuo played fair and even adjusted to what you wanted. And this is what you do? I get that you wanted to humiliate them but doing it this way is just wrong." I said as Meizuo and Ximen let go of him.

"Let's go guys." I said as I walked away, Meizuo and Ximen following close behind me.


I went home to change before I met up with the boys for dinner. I changed into a white turtle neck short-sleeved top and dark blue jeans with some white Keds. I grabbed my black leather jacket, my phone, and my car keys and went downstairs to my car. I drove to the restaurant where Meizuo and Ximen were waiting for me. I went inside and sat beside Meizuo while Ximen sat with his date across from us. We talked for a while before the food finally arrived.

" I wonder how they're doing." I asked out loud while cutting my steak. The two boys looked at me.

"I just hope Ah Si doesn't let his temper get in the way of their date." Ximen said as he drank his wine, his date clinging on to his arm.

"We know that's not going to happen. Ah Si not getting annoyed would be a miracle." Meizuo joked as he ate his pasta. I laughed and then turned to the window. The rain was really coming down and I worried cause I knew Ah Si wasn't expecting to rain and all he had on was a sweater. I frowned and hoped they were at least at someplace warm for their date.

"What's wrong?" Meizuo asked as I continued to look at the weather outside. I turned to him with a frown.

"I'm worried about Ah Si and Shancai, the weather doesn't look that good." I said as I turned back to the window and watched as the rain continued to pour. Meizuo placed his hand on top of mine.

"They'll be fine. Don't worry too much." Meizuo reassured me as he squeezed my hand in comfort but I still wasn't convinced. I grabbed my phone and proceeded to call Ah Si but his phone was off.

"Ah Si's phone is off. I'll try calling Shancai." I said as I dialed Shancai's number. It rang for a few minutes then the line was cut off.

"Shancai's not answering. I think her phone's off too." I said with a frown as I put my phone down.

"Maybe they're having fun?" Ximen said as Meizuo nodded in agreement. I sighed.

"I just hope they're fine." I said as I slumped back into my chair.

Dinner ended but it was still pouring outside. Ximen left early with his date to go to a bar. Meizuo was going too but I was going home. I guess I was just tired. So here I am, waiting for the valet to bring my car around. Meizuo was still inside the restaurant settling the bill and probably talking to the waitress who was constantly looking at him the entire night much to my annoyance. It was taking a little long for my car to come around since it was at the very end of the parking lane so I just stood there, hugging myself. I smiled as I had an idea. I walked out of the shed, closed my eyes and just let the rain pour down on me. Something about the rain has always calmed me down. I smiled as I opened my eyes and held my hand out to catch some of the raindrops.

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