Chapter 14

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I woke up in a really good mood the next day despite the few hours of sleep I got. What happened last night kept replaying in my head and I giggled because I could still feel his lips on my skin. I shook it off and got out of bed to get ready for the day.

Ah Si and the rest of the boys were already up and were playing a game of volleyball with Ximen's date whose name I didn't bother asking for and Kiki as their audience but I'm pretty sure that with the idea of 4 hot single and not too mention rich boys playing volleyball, they had already attracted a larger audience. I took a shower and changed before going to wake up Shancai in the next room. I was dressed in a dark blue scalloped edged halter top, blue and white sweat shorts with white flip flops. I fastened on some small silver hoop earrings, grabbed my phone, and placed my sunglasses on top of my head before heading to Shancai and Ah Si's room.

I knocked on the door and Shancai opened the door, greeting me with a smile.

"Good morning Shuijing," she said shyly and I gave her a smile back. She was dressed as well. She was wearing a red and white shirt with a striped long sleeve top and white shorts with black flip flops.

"Good morning Shancai, let's go eat?" I asked and she nodded as we headed downstairs to have some breakfast.

We headed down to the restaurant where they were heading breakfast and Shancai seemed to be a little shy. I pushed the plate of bacon towards her.

"Help yourself Shancai," I said as I dug through my omelet. She smiled and proceeded to eat. My mind wandered to her and Lei last night.

"Shancai, can I ask you something?" I said as I sipped my juice while looking at her. She nodded as she kept her head down and chewed her food. I leaned forward.

"What were you and Lei doing by the beachfront?" I asked which made her choke a little and I hurriedly passed her a glass of water which she hurriedly drank in a few seconds. She turned to look at me. I guess she didn't expect me to ask that as she blushed profusely.

"Um... Well... I uh-" She tried to explain but was struggling. I held my hand up to stop her from panicking.

"If you're worried about me telling Ah Si, don't worry. I have no intention of letting him know." I reassured her and she seemed to relax a bit.

"We were just talking about what happened in Paris and about...Jing," she said the last part softly which made my smile drop slightly.

"Oh.," I said as I tried to keep the smile on my face.

"He told me that they lived together in Paris for a while and that Jing was so happy when she saw him. They were so happy.." She trailed off and my smile ultimately dropped.

"But?" I asked, urging her to continue the story.

"But it didn't last long..Jing became busier and busier with attending school during the day and interning at a law firm at night. He waited for her every day and every night. He noticed that she had smiled less and less and was more tired than usual. She had built a wall around her that he said that even if he had become air, he couldn't find a way in. He felt so useless that he couldn't do anything for her.. he said that no matter how much he loved her, he was still the same autistic boy who hid in the corner." Shancai said which made me slightly tear up.

'So that's what happened... That's why Lei is acting this way..' I thought.

"Thank you for telling me Shancai. Don't worry, this will stay between us." I said as I gave her a small smile. She nodded and smiled back. I stood up and pulled her along with me.

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