Chapter 20

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It had been about a week since Ah Si had left for London and here he was complaining to all of us via video call. I was at home working on some paperwork and reports I had to turn in for the company while the boys were at Mingde.

"Ah Si, how are you doing in London?" Ximen asked.

"I'm bored to death here." Ah Si complained.

"How is that possible? There must be a lot of pretty girls over there." Meizuo pointed out which made me roll my eyes.

"I don't see any." Ah Si said as he looked around before looking at us again.

"Oh, please. How can you live abroad with that kind of negative attitude?" I pointed out which the boys agreed to.

"Why don't you just come back here? We also lack one member for Bridge." Meizuo added.

"Now you realize how important I am, right?" Ah Si spat.

"You've always been important. Please. We haven't found any place with bigger space and privacy than your house." Meizuo teased as I laughed at Ah Si's reaction.

"Hey, you guys are so sensible." He scolded.

"Daoming Si, that's your only role." Meizuo retorted as he laughed with Ximen and I.

"Cut the nonsense. Where's Lei?" Ah Si asked as Meizuo passed the phone to Ximen who passed it to Lei.

"Lei, Ah Si is looking for you," Ximen said.

"What's up?" Lei greeted.

"What do you mean, what's up? Tell me. Why am I the one whom Shancai likes?" He asked.

"Can't you figure it out yourself?" Lei retorted.

"If I can do that on my own, why do I need to ask you?" Ah Si answered.

"Then come back and find out for yourself," Lei said as Ah Si sighed.

"Have you seen her lately? How is she?" Ah Si asked.

"I haven't seen her much. When I see Qinghe, he said that when Shancai is not in school, she's at her part-time job." Lei explained.

"And you Shuijing?" Ah Si asked as he turned to me.

"I talked to her a few days ago. She needed some help with this assignment she had. It had to do with food marketing. She seemed stressed and wasn't her usual self." I said as I frowned as I remembered the freshman.

"I see Shancai now." Lei said.

"Where? Now? Let me see her." Ah Si exclaimed as Lei switched the camera and showed Shancai walking very slowly. She looked dejected and just sad. Ah Si looked worried and I couldn't help but feel the same for the girl. She was still in denial for her feelings for Ah Si and Ah Si still didn't believe that Shancai liked him.

"Guys, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later okay? I still have a ton of work to do." I said as they all said bye and I hung up.

I looked to the pile of paperwork on my bed and the numerous reports I was still writing on my laptop. I sighed and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

'Let's do this!'

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