Chapter 46 -AtobeTezuka..doubles?!

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// Sorry for the Ultra!!!!! Late update xD Will update more frequently, as I was busy with a camp which happened a wk ago. Love y'll //


Everybody gathered at the main courts at 9am. Suddenly, the 1st Stringers came out, and we were all shocked to see Oni with them. " Oni...." I muttered under my breath. He  must have destroyed the previous number 5 and gained back his position.

I heard Momoshiro mutter, " Why are you on their side, Oni? " and the coaches saying , " Ara- ara~ So he got back his position. " 

I sigh, as I looked on, this is getting more and more troublesome. Then, Byoudin announced, " We shall start the first match between the 1 st and 2nd stringers. The people who shall start it off shall be....Ochi and Mouri. The seniors from both Hyotei and Rikkaidai. Ochi takes the number 9, while Mouri takes the number 10. Who shall challenge them? "  He says.

Inui then said out loud. " Ochi Tsukimitsu, a counter puncher, have a height of 226cm and make use of the height to hit excellent shots and to find players weakness. ,- "

" The former captain of Hyotei, which made Hyotei famous nationwide, a person with good judgment and have a calm personality. With that, he destroys the player's mind, naming him the Mental Assassin. " Mizuki continues after Inui.

Renji then continued by introducing the other player. " Mouri Jyusaburo. 191 cm, 83.02 kg, until last year, he was a senior in RIkkaidai. He have a very lazy personality and often skipped practice, however his skills were acknowledged. " 

" He totally held Kenya at bay during the National tournament last year. " Continued Chitose. 

" This two are the high level super doubles specialist which represent Japan. " Says Inui, Mizuki and Renji. 

All of us stood in silence as we watched the person who will come out and challenge them. Suddenly, the most unexpected person stood up. 

Atobe Keigo.

The Atobe Keigo. 

" I'll be the top batter. " He says while doing that hair flick. " Atobe?! " Many people screamed. Who would have expected that THE atobe keigo will be the first.

They then continued by saying, who would do it with him. Doubles, is after all a game where trust and faith in your partner is most important. Everybody was looking around until Atobe said, 

" Let's go, Niou. " and Niou stood up, saying how Atobe made him wait. 

As Niou stepped on the courts, he immediately changed into Tezuka.

" Don't let your guard down, Atobe. "

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