Chapter 38 - The DecidingMatch

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Chapter 38 – The Deciding Match?!

No One's POV

Tezuka left the Camp gloriously, after all he had won against his former captain and can trust others and he does not need to bear the responsibilities of a pillar.

Atobe stretched. He was soon against the leader of Court 3. Irie Kanata. Just by looking at Irie alone, you wouldn't feel how dangerous he is. He's just like a stingray. Looking is harmless, but if pissed off, could kill. This is how he is. Cute but deadly.

They both entered the courts and stood by the nets, waiting for the referee. Irie then said, " Leave this match. You're not strong enough to fight against me. "

Atobe then looked at him, raising an eyebrow. " You dare say ore- sama isn't strong enough for you, ahn. I'll show you how much I've grown during the match. " and Irie smirked while saying, we'll see.

Soon the referee was here and they begin the match with a twist serve, courtesy of Atobe, who was always liked to show off his skills. Irie returned the shot, with direct accuracy to the left.

They then played a simply game of rally which had them passing the balls to the other corners, then when Irie was on the other side of the court from where Atobe was standing, Atobe decided to hit a direct shot by twisting his elbows a little.

This action however is something which can only be done if you have tremendous power in his or her arms, and not only that, you would also need a lot of strength to stop the ball and pass it back, making this a power shot.

Irie stared at Atobe, looking extremely traumatized that Atobe managed to do that. " did you managed to do something like that! I couldn't do it.. " and Irie's expression was extremely downcast, and all Atobe did was to smirk and say, " Ahn~ and you say I'm not strong enough? "

Yes, like what I said earlier, Atobe may be a show off, but he had the power to back it up. During this camp,  in order to defeat Yukimura and Sanada, he worked extremely hard and he stayed back to practice more than anybody he could think off. Now, back to the match.

Irie and Atobe continued playing for awhile, Irie showing crestfallen expression when Atobe managed to out do him and score a point. Soon it was 5-2, the winning side towards Atobe.

It was the break to swap place. Irie cleaned up his sweat. Wait! Why is Atobe breathing harder than Irie? Shouldn't Irie be breathing harder since he is the one chasing after the ball? Could it be that all these was a ...fake?

Irie then entered courts and they started the rally again. Soon, Atobe did the same technique by shoot directly, however this time round, Irie managed to catch it with ease.

" Play times over. "  Irie says. Suddenly, Atobe realized everything. The screams, the words, the action........they were all fake! He widens his eyes, " Masaka...YOU TRICKED ORE- SAMA?!" He shouted.

Soon, Irie dominated Atobe as he didn't recovered from the shock. Soon, lobs after lobs, Volley after volley, smash after smash, Irie got his score back to a whooping 5-5. That was the time where Atobe got back, recovering from the shock.

Irie tried the same technique, volleying. The area soon darkens, is it going to rain? Nobody thought about it. Everyone, both spectators and referee were so into the game.

Atobe returned the Smash with another smash. Soon they were in a smashing rally. Irie was so frustrated that he screamed/ shouted " WHY WON'T YOU GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!! " and soon, as the first snow fell, Irie used his last burst of energy and hit the shot, Atobe, who was already semi – conscious tried to return the ball. He moved back and back until his body hit the walls near the bleachers, using his last burst of energy shouted

" TEZUKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " before he lost consciousness after hitting the ball. Irie, at that moment, dropped his racket saying, " I...I can't play anymore, I can't even feel my arm. " and he gave a small smile, thus making this match void.

Tezuka on the other hand, was on a bus to leave the camp, the driver had stopped to change the wheels of the bus at it was snowing, allowed him to hear the cry. He closed his books before saying,

"Good Job, Atobe. "

// AN : I was like browsing thru my wattpad library when i saw a person say that wattpad might shut down and remove ur story, so please be reallyyyyy careful and make sure to save your works at another platform other than wattpad :) I had to save 37 chpts and it killed me. ahhahha, hope you like this chpt and remember to vote ~ //

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