Chapter 31 - Sports Day (3)

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As I walked towards the hall, which this activity was held at, I wondered who our next opponent could be. ' Shitenhoji?...No....Hyotei?...Not likely.......Could it be Seigaku?...we haven't face them for any obstacles...'  It was a tennis face off - finally. We were suposed to hit 5 cans over but we were only allowed the use of 3 balls. 

Marui used his tightrope walking to hit all the cans, using a ball. " Tou Tensai Teki! " He remarked. Jackal did a Pinwheel Beat ( PoT wiki ) and used a ball to remove the 5 cans. Yagyuu did his laser beam which shot through all the cans. Niou changed into Yagyuu and did the laser beam too allowing all the balls to drop with a " Puri~ " . Ayaka entered devil mode and not only did he toppled the cans, he crushed them....I don't think you can call it cans anymore....Renji did his data tennis and using the winds help- which he calculated, toppled the cans. Sanada entered ' kai ' and like Ayaka, broke the balls. Seiichi just dropped the balls without using any technique. " Saa, Ayu, show us your skills, but before that.." and he kissed my cheeks. " All the best~ " He whispered into my ear as I blushed. Ayaka screamed out " PDA!!!!!!!!!!!! " and looked away. I took my racket and looked at the can, before aiming and destroying the cans. 


Seigaku finished aiming but they used more than one ball per person, resulting in our win. Soon, nightfall came and we gathered at the main courts. Coach Saito then addressed us. " Many of us have completed your events. As this games come to an end, we would like everybody to try their best as the start of U-17 will be tomorrow....thank you and and have a good rest, minna! " and he waved his hands as we left. As I walked to my room thinking about what happened. 


I walked into the canteen, in the wee hours of the morning with Kazuya, Irie and Juji. We ordered some pancakes with marple syrup. We decided to chat and after a while, middle schoolers began to stream in. As we ate our pancakes, I saw Seiichi and I waved. We were not the lovely - dovely kind of couple- I think...maybe? And soon, the loud speakers said " Momoshiro Takeshi of Seigaku will be having a match with Oni Jujiro of Court 5.

Please report to court 13 for your match at 12 30. Please do not be late as you will be disqualified and all the best. That's all. " and the speakers beeped. I smirked and said to Juji. " I would tell you good luck, but I think that the Momo kid needs it even more... " and both of us smirked. Then we left as I waved a bye to Seiichi. We then separated as Irie and Juji went to their courts. I went to the gym with Kazuya where we practiced. I did acrobatics as Kazuya who was silent until now said " Do you really love him? " and I smiled. " Yeah..he.....he' s precious to me. " and I smiled. He nodded and pat my head, an affection which he hardly shows. " Make sure he don't bully you.....or else....he will regret it. " and he smiled a realllllllllllllllllly small smile. I nod my head and we went back to practice. Soon the time for the match began.....

 A.N : Hello there! Thanks to all my readers for allowing me to get 10 k which is my dream and well yeah * hugs * I love you so much for allowing my dream to come true! <3  By the way, have you heard that the new pot disc is coming out on 29 Oct 2014?!?!??! <3 It shows the * awesome * genius 10 <3 * Fangirling * Okay! Thank you once again and hop we can reach new heights ( LOL )  and to all which are taking Exams- are any of you? I am tho... DX  
Ayumi <3

P.S : Help vote <3 

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