Chapter 2 - Rikkaidai

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| " Change your thoughts and you change your world. " |

Lei Ayumi POV

I woke up because of the worst invention of  Humans  -the Alarm clock. I groaned, and  turned off the alarm clock and decided to have a shower. I tied my hair and showered and changed into my uniform. It had a green vest which made it looked ugly.

I walked to school and realized that it was 6am and my school starts at 7.30am. I sigh, as my legs took my back to  'walmart' again, which was near my school, and lo and behold, there were many delicious food with were attracting me with the sparkles. I quickly walked around to look at the food available, when I saw the Creme Pie, and I'd knew that at that moment, I had to eat the Creme Pie.

As I reached my hands out to grabbed the Pie, another hand reached out at the dame moment. I turned and looked at the guy, while my hands remained firm on the Pie. "It's mine." I cried out, as he did the same. Suddenly, I recalled that these guy was also the same Red haired guy at the shop the previous day.

" It's mine. I grabbed it first! " He says. The tension between us was so strong, that you could hear thunders and all. I quickly pulled on the Creme Pie, and it dropped onto my hands. 

I smiled and said, " Thank you~ " teasingly, before leaving, however, as I was paying the money, I felt a little guilty, since he did indeed grab it first. 

I walked up to him who was pouting,  and I passed him half of the pie. 

" Here, I'm not that bad.." I said, as he smiled before thanking me. The three of us, Mr. Brazilian, Red Haired and I decided to sit at the empty tables. 

" Hello, I'm Jackel Kuwahara, and his Marui Bunta. What's your name? " Jackel asked with a friendly smile. 

I looked at them before saying, " Hi, my name is Lei Ayumi. I transferred to Japan yesterday...Nice to meet you..." I say as I did a slight bow. 

He nodded his head and smiled. " You're also a student at Rikkaidai? It's mid did you managed to get a place in? " He asks curiously.

" Yup, I got my A's in America, so they transferred me here. You're a Brazilian right? " I asks. 

" Yes, also a transferee. " He grinned. We had many topics to relate about especially about food. We chatted for a while until 7am, before walking to school. 

When we reached the school gates, Marui- sempai ( He asked me to call him that ) said, " We need to go now, Ayumi~ We'll see you later! " and he bounced away. Bounced.  He literally bounced away. 

'He must be high on sugar,' I deduced as I quickly bowed and we separated. 

I quickly went into the office to get my schedule and saw that I saw in a Second Year class. I nodded my head before leaving to class. My teacher, whose called Hamada - Sensei, was a pretty old jolly man, completely unlike the school's motto of being winners. 

I entered the class, only to receive many gushes. " Hello! My name is Lei Ayumi and I'm from America, I like food. " I say with a smile. Many smiled, and one girl even asked me some questions. 

'I'm so tired,' I thought to myself. Soon, and finally, I was released to go to my seat. 

I sat beside the boy I saw yesterday, and saw that his name was Kirihara Akaya. I just sat and supported my head on one arm and covered my other ear. The teachers, as I realized, liked to picked on Kirihara Akaya. It was getting a little annoying to be honest. 

Soon, recess came and I quickly left the class. I brought a slice of New York Cheese Cake, and wow! It was nosebleed worthy. That was how nice it was. However, recess soon ended, and I had to go to my next class. 

Classroom 3-1

I entered the class, and saw the teacher, Rareta- sensei. " I'm LeiAyumi.." I started off..and realization hit her face. " Oh. " and she turns to the class. " This is a Year 2 student, Lei Ayumi and she will be attending our class for English. Please welcome her. " 

Applauds was heard and I bow down. She then quickly ushered me to a seat, beside Mr Scowling boy. I sat there and as I listened, I quickly fell asleep. Don't blame me! Blame Jet leg! 

~ Heavy edited XD

{ 2nd EDIT } ~ 27/8/15

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