Chapter 20 - Death Anniversary

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It was a moody morning, and when I on my phone to check for messages, the thunder sounded. I looked at my messages, before a reminder popped up. 

Death Anniversary. 

My eyes widen for a split second and I remembered as a bitter smile came upon my face. An angel, a guy, my friend, went to heaven.

I decided to skip my school today and spend the day mourning for him. I had to. It was my fault for what happened to him anyways.

I went to the flower shop, a shop called Aoyama's flowers, and brought a bouquet of Peony. I gripped my wallet as I saw the lady wrap the flowers for me.

Peony was his favourite flower..

" Done! " The lady told me and handed the flowers to me as a smile, I smiled and paid the lady before leaving. 

I took the flowers and went to the beach. I couldn't place the flowers on his tombstone as it is in America. 

I quickly went to the beach, and the beach was quite empty as it was about to rain. I sat on the white sand and stared at the waves.

It was sad, the feelings all came rushing back. What happened that day..

" Kanekiiiiii! I called out. It was just an ordinary day, and that I was at the park near my house in America. I told him to come out of his house to play tennis with me. 

" Okay~ " He replied before hanging up the phone. Yes. I called him on my phone, the phone which he gave me.. He was my first friend in America. He helped me when I was bullied by people in my class. He gave me his lunch when mine was thrown away by Heather, the female cheerleader. The one who made my life a living hell. 

He was the nicest person I ever met before. And it was unfair that god took him away too quickly. Way too quickly. 

He waved to me and smiled with that cheerful smile and was about to crossed the road,  when a drunk driver came slamming into him. It was too fast for anyone to react.

My eyes widen as I saw his body flew. When he reached the ground again, he was covered in blood. I cried out, " Kaneki!!!!!!!!!!!" and he replied me, with a small smile.

" Ne..never ..give up.....Ayumi." and that was the last line he ever said. The last line he said, before leaving me. 

" KANEKI! " I shouted. It was the worst day I ever had. I never cried as much as I cried that day. 

I quickly dropped the flowers, one by one into the sea. As the waves took it away, I started crying. It was my fault, and I promised to get over him, but why did it seemed so hard? 

As it started raining, I didn't bother to cover myself, I just dropped the flowers in the sea. 

" Kaneki.........I'll miss you, and please, forgive me. " I said as I moved away, feeling more refreshed just as the skies cleared up. 


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