Chapter7- New Regular

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| " Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on. " |

Yukimura Seiichi POV

I could admit that , Lei was a decent tennis player. She could do what perhaps, Niou or Marui can do. Although her skills were not the best, she could beat most of the non- regulars. 


I woke up early that day and brushed my teeth. I ate some Yakitori before heading towards school, ready for my match.

The match will be held before school starts, so I quickly exercised and stood at the courts. Yukimura than told me to play a match against Yagyuu, the gentleman? 

I looked around trying to find this " Yagyuu. " He was the purple haired guy who wears glasses. He always hang out with the white haired guy, known as Niou Masaharu. I wonder why they hanged out even though their personalities are split differences. 

The boy nodded head and greeted me. " Lei Ayumi...right? " I nodded my head and we stood on the courts. 

We soon began our match.

" Lei Ayumi, Yagyuu Hiroshi. Best of 1 match. Begin! " The referee called out.

I managed to get the ball to serve first. I hit a twist shot which spins the ball before releasing and he sprung into action. He quickly got the ball and hit it onto the ground on the opposite court which I was stepping on.

I quickly rushed to the other side and returned the ball, which resulted in him smashing the ball towards me. 

I quickly did Higuma Ootoshi, which gave me my first point. I heard Kirihara- san then say, " SHE KNOWS THAT? I THOUGHT ONLY FUJI KNEW THAT! " I smirked, and began a rally with him. 

I decided to use ice tennis, which I learned in America, that only girls are capable of. He freezes the opponent, making him turn into ice, therefore the name. It also drains your stamina, making you feel unable to breathe. 

 I quickly served a Cylone Smash, when he was breathing hard and it made him a little dizzy. As time went past, his movements were more restricted until he collasped on the ground. 

" Yagyuu Hiroshi forfeits. Lei Ayumi wins. " The referee called out again. After hearing that, I quickly rushed to Yagyuu, removing the pressure of the Ice Tennis, watching as color comes back onto his face.

" You are our next regular. " I heard Yukimura say.

I smiled, and thanked him. 


EDITED 27/8/15

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