Chapter 37- The former Captain and Now.

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Chapter 37 – The former Captain and Now.

// Thanks for the 20 k <3 !!! Never expected it to get so far, thanks to all who read, voted and commented <3 ~//


It was the team change between 2 of my best friends – Irie and Oni, which are the leaders of Court 3 and Court 5. The team change means that if Court 5 wins against Court 3, Court 5 will replace Court 3 and Court 3 will be demoted to Court 5’s position.

No One’s POV

Tezuka, Irie are the so called ace of group 3 and Atobe, Oni and Yudai Yamamoto. Yudai Yamamoto is the former Captain of Seigaku Male Tennis Club and the one that pass the next captainship to Tezuka, and is a person who Tezuka respected.

The match started and I sat at the Bench watch the both of them fight it out. Soon, Court 5 won a match  and, the next match for Court 3 to win is a match against Tezuka and Yamamoto.

Tezuka POV

I was in Court 3, and our sempai’s from Court 5 have already won one match, our Court is still lacking a point and it’s my match now. Whatever I do during this match is important because if I were to lose this match, Court 5 will win by default.

I saw my opponent’s light brown hair, as his back was turned towards me and upon seeing his face, I could only think of one person. Yudai Yamamoto- sempai.

Soon, we had to go down and I greeted him. “ Yamamoto- sempai. “ I called out in a stoic voice. He smiled that carefree smile and said “ Tezuka- kun, I didn’t realized that you would recognize me. “ and I nodded my head.

It was time. Time to see who have been stronger, the former captain or me.

No One’s POV

It was a harsh match. Yamamoto and Tezuka have such a close friendship and bonds, and they are made to face each other.

The match started off with Yamamoto serving, they started rallying when a few minutes later, Tezuka did a shot to the opposite side where Yamamoto- sempai have been, and Yamamoto sprinted across the net to shoot a ball over.

They begin using different techniques, resulting in the score changing to 3-3, before they continued to rally, each sending the ball over to the other side where the opponent was standing. Suddenly, Tezuka decided to use Tezuka Zone, which sends the ball flying back to him.

Yamamoto tsked but still continued his technique of rallying the ball. Soon, they each had a break before they changed courts.

When Tezuka rested, he flexed his arms, showing the bruise on his arms, that were growing purple, showing how serious it was.

Soon the break was over and both stood at their place. Tezuka continued the game with Tezuka Zone.

Yamamoto was so frustrated that Tezuka continued using the Tezuka Zone, which already bruised his arms, and might make him stop using it for good,  he shouted to Tezuka, “ Why are you doing this?! You’re gonna break your arms at this rate! Why?...Why are you continuing it even though you are already Seigaku’s pillar..why? “

“ Because my team mates are cheering me on. “ Tezuka replied. Yamamoto heard it, and was so shocked that he stopped chasing after the ball, making Tezuka earn a point.

“ Even if it was at the cost of your arms? “ Yamamoto asked, hair covering his eyes.

“ Yes. “ Tezuka said as he tossed the ball.

Yamamoto looked up and there was a new determination in his eyes. He did all he could to return, lob and smash the ball.

However, Tezuka have grown too much to ignore. He won the match, fair and square, allowing the team to have a chance at the games, and he himself left, after Atobe promised, “ I’ll help the team, go Germany and get that arm fixed and let’s have a game someday, ahn~ “ and all Tezuka did was

“  I’ll be counting on you for that, Atobe.“

// Kyaaaaaa once again, thanks for reading this story, at first I didn’t know what to put for the header when I thought, the former? Etc.. xD  Anyways  thanks for reading J Please Comment too J J J and vote ~ <3

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