Chapter 49 -Pains

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Atobe POV

Niou kept hitting the Phantom shot, when my insights show me that he really have fractured his arm. " NIOU! " I shouted as he toppled onto the ground. 

Before I could ran to him, Ochi decided to use that moment to attack. I thought to myself, ' Our last chance which Niou created at the cost of his own arms....I absolutely have to take the point!  ' 

" Two versus one, it's just a moment of time before you break~ " Mouri smirked, as he shot a ball.

As Atobe was rushing towards the other side of the court, he tripped when he was about to return to the opposite side.  " Urrahhhh! " Shouted somebody before the ball could hit Atobe. 

No One's POV

Who was it? Who dared to help Atobe even if they might leave camp? The only person who would do this.... Kabaji. 

Even though the ball managed to go through the first stringers, the ball was still deemed as a foul ball as it was hit by a third player. All Kabaji have done was wasted. 

However, Ochi said," Just give them that point. " before turning away. Soon the dreaded announcement came, " Kabaji Munehiro, you are hereby asked to leave camp as you violated the rules. " 

Many shouted at the announcement, about how unfair it was, and that Kabaji was just trying to help out. 

Atobe POV

" That was shameful, you embarrassed me, kabaji. " I said, not looking at Kabaji. All Kabaji did was to say " Usu. " before leaving.

" Idiot. " I murmured as I heard him leave. Why did you protect me? Why did you help me?! I'm the cause of why you need to leave...

I turned and face Niou,  " Can you get up? " and he smiled before saying, " Pupina. " He than changed into Echizen, saying Echizen's catchphrase.

Niou than served a right handed twist serve, which was returned by Ochi, however the pain in Niou's arm was too much to take and he fell on the floor near the nets. " Even this illusion is..." I said out in horror.

I carried him to the opposite side of the courts, and let him rest on the ground. As I receive the serve, I felt myself changing. Becoming lighter, in fact. I achieved Synchro.

No One's POV

Niou suddenly rises and says, " We know all your movements! Pupina~ "  Atobe and Niou than quickly caught up to the current scores.

For Atobe's display of courageousness, Ayumi started chanting ' King! ' and many people soon followed along, making the courts resound with a loud ' king! '.

However, Niou toppled on the floor, and Atobe froze Mouri and Ochi with his Insight, and saw their weakness and served. 

The ball went to ourMi's court, and to save the ball, Mouri dislocated his joints. " Tsuki-san!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rest is up to you! " 

However, the ball landed on the net, bouncing and tilting from side to side. As the ball tilted between Mouri's and Atobe court. The whole area was silent. Will Mouri-Ochi pairing win or?....

The ball fell towards Atobe's Court, and Atobe was too shocked to even react, and when he reacted, the ball was already midway - falling onto the floor.....

" Pak. " The sound of Racket hitting the ball landed on the ground. Niou was able to receive the ball, and smirked before collapsing back onto to the ground. 

" This is doubles after all. " 

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