Chapter 18 -Proposal

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We ran and ran, I just followed the lead of Yukimura. Soon we reached the Ferris Wheel and he quickly hopped on to the nearest one as here was no queue. After entering, I huffed. " This is the most important ride and it was about to close so I had to drag you here without telling you, gomen! " Yukimura said.

I smiled and nod my head. I saw the scenery and took a deep breath. The sun which was about to set and the houses and the water rides made the colours reflect brightly.

" Kirei...." I whispered. I looked at him and he looked at me. " I- " We both looked at each other before I said to him,  " about you say first? " I Told him and he nod his head.

He said " From the day I met you at the Lawson shop until now...I fell in love with you... I don't know where, I don't know when.... I only can say that you were the only girl who captured my eyes and my heart. I had this weird- butterflies in your stomach kind of feeling which only happens when you are around.... and I got really jealous when Atobe tries to talk to you.... lastly.... can you please be my girlfriend? "

I slowly processed the information in my brains and I said " I actually also wanted to confess to you my feelings....from the day I kissed you at my house ( Author Note : This happens Chapter 10 :) ) ... I guess I fell in love with you and confirmed it.... So of course..  I want to be your girlfriend! " and he smiled before hugging him. We then let go and as the fireworks burst, we reached the top of the Ferries Wheel .... we kissed.

An innocent kiss which held all of our feelings. Soon I cuddled against his body and I smiled, taking a selfie ( self shot ) with him.

He then said all of the sudden. " I'm calling you Ayumi so you can call me Seiichi! " and I laughed and teased him " And what if I don't want to call you Seiichi~ " and he pouted. We laughed happily but time was short and after a short period of time, We had to leave the Ferries Wheel. Soon we went down holding hands to hear the whistling of the regulars. They were cheering happily too.

" Buchou! You did it! " Ayaka shouted. " Congrats! " Yagyuu said and soon they all gave their congratulations and I smiled. 

Soon we left to have a meal at Kurahara Ramen. " Oishi~ " I said taking a photo of the food, a high class Mega ultra delicious Ramen which is the specialty of the shop.

This time round I was seating at the Tale which can see how the Ramen was made but this time round, I was not alone...I was with precious people. My one and only boyfriend and my ' brothers' . I then played and sing many songs. They then accompanied me back home laughing all the way making me so happy. Yes, there may be tears but one of the most beautiful qualities of a friendship is to be understood.

So that little amount of tears are nothing compared to the amount of happiness you get in return. As I walked home, I thought of many things such as one of the blessings of having close friends is that you can afford to be stupid with them.

When I reached my door, the atmosphere changes, it becomes gloomy and sad. Unable to stand the atmosphere, I said " Don't be sad! I'll visit you whenever I can, okay? " and they nodded their head. Ayaka ran and hugged me " Ayumi-sempai! Even though * sniff * we are not close, I hope that you will visit us! " and then Marui hugged me and mumbled something about going to a monkey king's school and I laughed, even though tears at that time was rolling down my cheek.

I was hugged by Yagyuu, Niou, Jackel and Renji before Sanada came and hugged me awkwardly. He then let go and said " Don't tarundoro! " and Yu-, Seiichi came and hugged me before letting go. I took a deep breath and stop my tears. " I had fun today! I will visit you as many times as I can! Ganbate for the Nationals! " before doing a slight bow. 


~ Lei Ayumi 


Author : Please vote!! *Puppy Eyes*
Niou : Puri~ Vote or else prepared to be tricked by me! *pupina evil laughter * 


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