Chapter 42 - Revolutionary Members.

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The next day, we were all practicing in our courts, and I was chilling on the bleachers after a match with Kazuya. Just as I looked up, I saw the revolutionary jackets members walking towards Court 2. I smirked and said, " The revolution started. " and they all looked up to where I was staring and nodded their heads. " But will they be able to defeat the one who has the right hand of god? " I smirked, saying, " They were almost as hard working as us..." Refreshing our memories of what happened a year ago..

" Kazuya! Shuji! Oni! Irie! Let's practice to defeat Byoudin! " They nodded their head and we exited the cave and went to the forest to practice. Yes, we were all extremely tired and needed our rest bu what could a little practice harm? After all, it have just been 2 hours since we just started. 

Soon. we heard screams at Court 2 before I saw several members of the used to be Court 2 leave. 20 minutes later, we saw Itarou Migihashi, or else known as the Right Hand of God. He walked to our courts, saying, " They're Strong. " before leaving. 

We smiled, not because he was leaving but because of his sportsmanship. All of us have high pride, and some might be sore losers, but he was somebody who kept his promise and word even though he will lose, which made us respect him. He was also a strong opponent.

Not long after the revolutionary members took over the Court 2, we were all called to the main courts. It was weird, especially the fact that even the first court had to see the coaches. 

We entered the courts and looked up to see what coach Kurobe wanted to say. " So everybody is here? Let's begin then. Firstly, everybody should know that those who are in black jackets have taken over Court 2 and replaced them, right? Secondly, everybody knows that there is such a thing as First Stringers and Second Stringers, right? The first stringers are the ones who represent the U-17, the whole of Japan. And after a month of challenging the other countries Representative, they came back, successful of course. So now, like a tradition, we will select the players who will challenge them and try to take over their position. Please look at the board to see the players selected. Thank you. " and he left. 

I looked at Shuuji and he looked at me. We both knew that we had to return back into our position, so we quickly left together to my room. 

" When are you going to tell them? Shuuji asked me. 

" Tell who? Rikkai members? " I asked back. 

" Yeah. And that guy Seiichi. He's gonna be so pissed off at you for not telling him. " He says.

" I worry more about what Byoudin will do to Seiichi..." I continued. 

" I don't know, when it comes then we will fight it, okay? " He says. 

" Yeah.. " I said.


// Sorry for the short Chapter. Dealing with some problems now :( //

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