Chapter 39 - For Real, it's ending.

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Chapter 39

// Don't ask me why the story is not in sequence~ xD//


After the match, I loitered around the buildings, seeing Irie as he was washing his face. I said, " Irie. " before throwing him a towel, him catching it with the  Injured hand. I rose at eyebrow, while he closed his eyes and smiled, saying, " It's better to give the position to somebody who can strive better results, and ability to improve. " and I nodded my head. I walked forward and grabbed his uninjured hand, and dragged him. " Your's really injured isn't it? " I told him, softly.

Irie POV

Ayumi came and gave me a towel and I was resisting the pain even though it hurts so badly. I wanted to lie to her that my arm was not injured and is okay, however, she went forward and grabbed my uninjured arm while saying, " You's really injured isn't it? " . Like always, whatever lie I try to pull, she always manages to find a way to counter it, to say that I'm wrong. 


I brought him to the clinic and started to dress up his wounds, “ Your injuries aren’t that serious, so just a couple of days rest would help you and just not play tennis which requires you to smash…” I told him. I then gave him some painkillers as it may be painful for the next few days. We then went back to our own room. By that time, it was already 8.30 pm. I was reading a magazine, Tennis Weekly, when I suddenly thought of Seii- I mean, Yukimura.

‘ How is he? Is he okay? What is he doing now? ‘  Many thoughts of him entered my mind. Soon, I fell asleep.

“ Nngh…What time is it?..” I thought to myself as I woke up.  It was in the middle of the night. Well, that’s what you’ll get if you sleep before 9pm. I then went to the canteen, to have a bottle of water when I heard noise.

‘ Buglers? Nah, who will come to such an isolated place in the middle of the night? Coul- Could it be that drunkard? He must have sent students here again. * Sighs * “  The drunkard Is the coach which was at the top of the mountains, the one who teaches the fall outs of the U-17, which is also the place where Niou, Sanada and Jackel went to.

“ Let’s go visit him~ “ I thought to myself. I quickly ran back into my room and took out a few sets of clothes and placing it in a backpack. I quickly wrote a note stating that I will be visiting the drunkard Coach and I left via a shortcut instead of climbing up the mountains. I recalled to bring beers up as that would be my entry pass.

I reached the mountains at the break of the dawn, yawning. It’s really tiring to get up even though it is a shortcut. I saw the members practicing and I quickly went to the drunkard coach, shouting in his ear. He opened his eyes and gaped at me. “ Oi, why are you here? “ He says. I smirked before saying that I wanted to visit him and he stretched out his hands and I passed him the beer, he then opened a small house, and I entered before settling my things.

Soon, I stayed indoors as I watched from my windows how the drunkard coach was coaching them. I then went to the river near the mountains and decided to do fishing for dinner.

After catching a couple of fishes, I went back into the house. I then took out some ingredients and started to stir fry the fish. While waiting, the middle schoolers had a break and I decided to approach Niou, Sanada and Jackel while my fish was cooking.

“ Hey..” I said to them. I was scared that they might be angry at me, for the same reason as Yukimura. They looked at me while Jackel said, “ You know..we get your reason for not telling us about the fake doubles match. We shouldn’t have an advantage and you were just being fair. “

“ Pupina, He’s right, puri~ “ Niou continued.

“ Even though I’m always on Seiichi’s side, I think you’re right this time round. “ Sanada said stoic-ly.

“ Did anything happen between you and Seiichi? “ Sanada asked straightforwardly.

“ He..He wanted a break, I guess he’s gonna break up with me anytime soon..” I said straightforwardly. I wanted to be forward with them.

“ I can’t take it anymore, in this relationship, I’m always the one who have to apologize, to make amends….I’m sick of it, when I got kissed by a person, I apologized, when he should be the one comforting me. When I comfort him, what did I get? Nothing. I’m…I’m sick of this already. When I’m going back to camp, I’m telling him to breakup. “ I said to them. They just nodded their head, they could understand the reason why I’m doing this.

I smell something burning……..MY FISH ! I thought in my head. I quickly stand up and entered the house. I off-ed the gas and was lucky to find out that my fish was not burnt. I sigh, before taking it out and eating it myself.

Yukimura POV

I thought to myself as I laid on the bed. “ Was I too harsh on Ayumi? “ She seemed angry. Well, it’s her fault to begin with anyways.  

// yukimuraisajerk. officially. ahahaha, while I was typing this, I smelt fish and added the part about fish xD Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and remember to vote - by the star button - Comment - Cuz I wanna know what you think about it and lastly read this. ( It's in the wrong order again xD keke )

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