Chapter14 - Date!

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Yukimura Sempai asked "Ano...are you free later? Shall we go to the Midnight Moon festival? I jeard that you never been there before.." he said it with a light blush on his cheeks. 


"Sure! What shall I wear since it is a festival?" and he continued by saying " A light blue kimono because of the tradition? "

Yukimura POV

" A light blue kimono because of the tradition?  I'll meet you at kanagawa MRT station " I told her a lie but because I wanted to see her in the kimono. We soon left the school together but we did not notice the Hyotei and Rikkai tennis regulars behind a bush. 

Even the 'Ore sama is the best' Atobe. He then say " Yukimura! You have a lot of guts, neh?~Arhn~" and soon they decided to spy on us.

-------At the kanagawa Station-------

Yukimura POV

"Lei!" I called out to her. The kimono matches her really well... 

"Hello, Yukimura sempai. How are you? You look really handsome in it." I blushed and I told her " The same...I mean, you're so pretty!" and we left towards the direction of the festival location.

When we reached, it was already 6pm. We walked and talked. 

I feel so happy to be able to do this with her.... and she came past a shop which sold candied apples. 

She asked me " Yukimura-sempai...what is that?" and I replied her "Candied apple. Would you like one? " and she nodded her head happily. After taking the first bite, she gasped and said " So sweet~ " and I smiled. She then offered me a bite and I bite it where she last ate it at. 

Then I realized, We just shared an indirect kiss! and my face blushed madly.

She asked me " Daijobu? Are you sick? Your face is really red! " and she placed her hands on my forehead. I smiled and I said " Daijobu. "

No One POV

A group of regulars from both Hyotei and Rikkai was behind this two people who are in their own world. 

Atobe said " Lei is really pretty~ Arhn~ Kabaji? " and like always Kabaji replied " Usu." and the rest laughed softly, not wanting to disturb the two people. Suddenly, a lady screamed out. " Help! A robber! My bag! " and a man came running past with a bag on a hand and a knife on another. He ran past Yukimura and Lei when he grabbed Lei and said " Whoever dares to come after me....I will scratch her face! " and everybody went further away from them , however unknown to him, Lei knew Karate, and kicked the robber at where the sun doesn't shine.


It was a whirlpool. A guy was grabbing onto me and used me to threaten me . I used my skills that I learned it karate and kicked him. I quickly ran away from him. A few guys then used their body to force the robber onto the ground.

Yukimura had amusement in his eyes and he said " Didn't know you can fight~ " and I replied him " Defense skills." and I skipped away, to a face painting stall.

Yukimura POV

I didn't help her as she looked like she could throw a punch or two. I saw how she kicked the robber at that area, and left as if nothing happened. She went to a face painting stall and I followed her.

10 minutes before the fireworks starts.

I brought her to a hill where I found when I was young. I was about to confess when suddenly someone shouted from the bush. Me and Lei went to see what happened when we saw both regulars from Hyotei and Rikkai. 

I smiled serenely, a smile that promised them punishment when they returned, and I watch them gulped. Lei smiled happily and said "Join us!" and they all went out. 

My plans to confess to her failed... and suddenly Lei said.

No One POV

There was a spider on Atobe hands causing him to shrieked. Everybody looked at him and suddenly Yukimura "Smiling" face appeared. For all we know, maybe Atobe shrieked so that Yukimura can't confess...who knows~


The fireworks begin but I felt like I needed to say something to the Rikkai's members. "Umm...Rikkai sempai tachi, I have something to say to you..." and Yuushi-san got the clue and told the Hyotei members to leave. 

Then the Rikkai sempai looked at me and I thought It's now or never! " We all met in different ways, but I always didn't accept your request to enter the tennis club but when I did enter, you guys tried to help me in every ways and I am so grateful for that! " and Marui hugged me.

" I feel so sad! " and suddenly Niou shouted " Group hug! " and everybody. Including Sanada hugged me. . My family.....My friends for life.... Soon we took photos and had a lot of fun before we went home laughing.

// Sorry for not having YS confession! XD Muahahaha





- Ayumi :3 //

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