Chapter11 - School.

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| " Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. " |

2 Days ago


I woke up feeling my left eye twitching. I feel like something bad is going to happen... I went to school as per normal and when I entered the room I saw girls staring at me. 

What happened?... 

I was about to enter my class when I saw the president, Mio Hanabusa from the school magazine running towards me. 

She widened her eyes, and held my hand and anxiously asked, "Is Yukimura dating? Why is there a picture sent to us by an anonymous person showing that Yukimura and a girl was kissing and the girl face is blurred out. So as a regular, do you know who it is?" and he showed me the picture. 

Isn't this the picture of Yukimura and me?! I thought I deleted all of them? NIOU MASAHARU !!!!!!!!!!!  but I gave a fake smile and apologized, saying that I did not know who the girl was.

I decided to enter my class when I saw that the whole school holding the School Paper that had the picture of Yukimura and I kissing from the "accident". I sigh, as my cheeks slowly brightened, I quickly walked to my place and sat. 

Tennis Courts

I saw Yukimura and we both came into a conclusion of torturing Niou. "Niou! Sanada! Play a match! The one which lose would have to run 200 laps." He says with a smile.

I decided to ask Yanagi for Inui Juice and I quickly swapped the waters in Niou's water bottle into the juice. I ran off to play my match with some non-regulars. We are going to start the regional tournament tomorrow so I had to play with all my energy. 

As I was currently winning my opponent, I heard a loud scream before a body toppled. ' Must be Niou~ ' and I turned around and low and behold, Niou was holding his stomach on the floor. I wondered how he felt getting tricked, even though he was the trickster. 

By the end of the practice, we were all dead tired. I rested my head on Marui's shoulder. When practice ended, I quickly walked towards the changing room. After changing we went back. 

The Next Day

I woke up at 6.55am. I yawned and recalled what Fuku-buchou said. 

"Meet at kanagawa sports park at 7am." I yawned and said "'s only 6.55am and fuku-buchou says to meet at 7am...wait....I'M LATE!!! " and I quickly got dressed and ran to the sports park.

I met Niou while we were running and suddenly Yukimura called me and Sanada called Niou. 

"Moshi Moshi? Lei? Why are you late?" He questioned softly, even thought he was far more sadistic-

" lady is pregnant and her water bag ( A sign that the lady was gonna give birth ) broke?.." and he sigh before saying "Please come here as quickly and as a punishment, you shall run 200 laps tomorrow. " and I told him what Yukimura said and all he did was to say "Pupina~" and I sigh.

We reached there 1 second before we were late and we ran to the booth and Yukimura said "All 9 of us are present." at the registration and we both sighed. 

We were walking to a rest area for stretching when I heard a Ginka student say to his mate in the bush.

"Do you think we will be able to win them? " and his partner replied " There's no chance except for a newly joined girl regular. We might be able to defeat her." and I growled. Literally. I look towards them and glared at them. They gulped at me and I walked off.

When we were supposed to enter the tennis court, the Ginka students looked at me ,who glared at them and said in union, "We forfeit! We have stomach ache." and they walked out of courts. I smirked. 

I heard Yukimura smile and say , "The next team. " and soon we were against a random nameless school. I was against their captain who claimed that he will land me the hospital, which I smirked at. I won the match in 5 minutes with all service ace. We won the the match against the school with not a single point given.

When we were walking home, I yawned as Jackel said "Yakinaku?" and we nodded our head. 


 EDITED 30/8/15~~

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