Chapter4- Manager.

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| " Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that's just the way it is! " |

Lei Ayumi POV

I stared at the racket, before dropping it like acid on the floor. 

'Why did I touched the racket? Argh! ' I thought as I groaned.

As the members of the club called out to me, I quickly ran away as if fire was on my heels. I can't let them question me.

Yukimura Seiichi POV

Interesting. The girl hit back a ball, which was hit by Akaya, a regular. Seems like I need to find out who this lady is. Hmm...


Class have just ended and it was break time. I walked around trying to find the mysterious girl, Lei Ayumi. I knew that she was good in her studies from what Akaya, and Renji could provide. I have decided. This girl shall be our manager. She didn't scream, she didn't flirt with us. Perfect.

I decided to scare her, when I saw her taking something near the ledge of the rooftop garden.
" Boo... " I shouted next to her, and she shriek, while I covered my ears.

Lei Ayumi POV

I was singing a song a the Rooftop garden as that was the only place which was quiet, as it was break time right now. I took out the Score chart to revise. I was flipping to the next page as I leaned on the edge and the paper started dropping.

I bend over to pick it up and was reaching for it when somebody said a ghostly "Boo..." and it scared me therefore I  shrieked, and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw Yukimura staring at me. 

"What are you doing? " I shouted at him. I could have fell, or could have gotten an heart attack, and all he does is to smile?!

"Are you okay?" He asked, with not a hint of concern in his voice. There was even a smile on his damn lips. 

"Yes. " I replied, as I glared at him.

"Are you good at math?" He continue to asks. 

"Yes." I stated.

"Would you become our manager?"
"Yes-, wait what?!" I shouted, realizing that he, YUKIMURA SEIICHI just tricked me to become his tennis club manager. 

" I hope to see you after school, at the tennis courts, please do not be late, and be in gym attire. Thank you. " After saying this, he picks up my music score and placed it on the nearby stool, and while he did that, I had the urge to push him off the building as well. 

Cool down girl. cool down.


As I made my way down the courts, in my gym attire, I gasp, having a clear view of the Rikkai's tennis court. Just like every part of the school, the courts are the state of the art. 

Tennis was most likely the biggest sport in their school, considering the two national victories they earned. I entered the courts, when a guy said, " No girls are allowed in here! " He shouted looking at me. I rolled my eyes before continuing my way down, ignoring him.

"Oi, woman! " He says as he grabs my arm painfully. He was a tan boy, with golden hair. 

" I'm the new manager of the club. Can I enter now? " I say with gritted teeth. The grip on his hand tightened. 

"I gave you a chance. " He said, as he dragged me out of the courts, also ignoring what I said.

I huffed and used my other hand to remove his grip on me. " I would appreciate if you didn't grip my arm. I am the new manager, and I'm not lying. Neither am I a fangirl, or someone who likes tennis. " I growled out.

He rolled his eyes, and continued pulling me out, when Yukimura stopped him. 

" She's our new manager, and I would like that she's not hurt. " He says with a sinister smile, while the guy immediately let go of my hand, and apologized, before getting back to his stuff.

" He didn't do any big damage, maybe you'll have a small bruise though. " He say, with soft concern, as he examined my arm.]

I thought 'Why is he concerned about my arm when he nearly killed me just now?' 

EDITED 27/8/15

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