Chapter 19 - Brats.

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Today, was the first day of school at Hyotei. I wore the uniform which was made from the finest silk before tying my hair.

I walked out of the door and took a train to Hyotei. People were looking at me weirdly. I thought so.. Who would have expected a student from Hyotei would take the train? Anyways, I entered the school and I saw a walkway and almost a train load of students queuing up. 

They had stars in their eyes and I heard a girl say " I wish Atobe-sama would look at me in the eye! " and blushed.

I made a disgusted face and quickly walked away to the office. I smiled and asked " May I have my schedule? My name is Lei Ayumi. " and I flashback to the time where the office lady at Rikkai called me different sweet name, I smiled. The office lady just rolled her eyes, and nod her head, slowly finding my schedule.

"'re Lei Ayumi?! Parents of the world's best Chocolate maker...The Lei corps?! for not noticing it, Lei - sama. " and she passed me my schedule and I walked out.

 I entered my new class and I showed the teacher my schedule and he cough before saying " Class, we have a new student....her name is Lei Ayumi - sama. I hope everybody would be supportive of her! Any question for Lei sama? " and I saw a girl with makeup on her face like a five year old with crayon and said " You're the Chocolate maker's daughter? So ugly..such an ugly face and you want to enter this class? " and her supporters laughed.

I stared at her and said truthfully " But... I don't have face which looked like it is drawn by some five years old. " and many of her followers resisted the urge to laugh. 

Are they really her friends?...

  She shouted " Bitch! " before the teacher said " Saa.....Lei sama, can you sit beside that table? The one beside the table with the gold embroidery? Thank you. " and I sigh before another girl screamed " Why?! She can she sit beside Atobe sama?! Sensei! " and I walked over.

Several minutes later, I heard a guy said " Ore sama no bi gi ni yoi na! " before the door opened and he entered. He looked at me and said " Ayumi? Naze? " and he had a shocked face which lasted for a split second. 

I looked at him and smiled, " Hello. " before looking at the window. Soon, he sat down and we began lesson. ~ RInggggg! Ringgggg! ~ and it was recess. I went to the washroom and I sigh entering a cubicle.

The whole place is so high class.... and went I went out, I saw the girl who called me ugly. She smirked and say " Omai! How do you know Atobe sama?! " and I sigh before saying " I already have a boyfriend so I won't snatch your dear Atobe sama. And why don't you confess to him instead of telling every girl who get close to him to disappear? Anyways, good bye. " and with that, I left. 

I went to the washroom to have my rest. I decided to text Seiichi. 

Calling him as Seiichi is weird but....*smiles* 

How are you? I'm at break - Lei
Fine, today, I changed my geography teacher. He's weird - Seiichi
Really? Today, I'll end my lessons earlier, Shall I come over? Oh, I saw usual he IS weird. - Lei
Yeah! Marui wants to ask you some question! and he is ALWAYS weird. - Seiichi
Okay! Eating now - Lei
Teachers coming! Talk later! - Seiichi
Okay! Love you - Lei
Love you too~ - Seiichi

After the chat, I heard the door opened and I saw the Hyotei tennis club members. " So she's really here... " I heard Wakashi? Or somebody with a mushroom head say.

Then,Yuushi said " Shall we have our meal together? Lei-san ? " and I nod my head. 

" How have you been? Why are you here? Do you have a boyfriend? " Gakuto asked. " Um...I have been fine. My parents told me to come. I have a boyfriend. " and they were extremely shocked.

" Who's the guy? " and I paused for second before saying " Yukimura Seiichi. " and they gasped. Mouth were wide opened and flies could enter. 

After a few minutes I said " Are you planning on catching flies? " and they closed it before they opened it again.

Atobe POV

I thought  " Yukimura. You dare steal her? *Sighs* 

Hello! A new chapter is done! :)

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