Chapter 28 - Irony

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We had to start practice with the middles schoolers and we went back down. I went to the back of the group and we started counting. " 1.....2......3 " and I sigh. I then told Kazuya to follow me to play a match. I went to Court 1's court. We then started to play a rally when I gave him a dunk.

Soon, we began to hit 5 balls. I then looked at my watch. " Dinner. " I said. He looked at me and nodded. We then left. 

We entered the canteen and saw many people, be it high schooler and Middle schoolers. Suddenly I felt a pat on my arm. I turned and saw Marui. " Can we talk? " he asked me. I looked at him before I walked with him. As the other Middle and High schoolers looked at us, I just continued walking. I went to the Camp's personal rooftop garden. " Nani? " I asked him as I looked outside of garden.

" Why did you leave? " He asked.

'' How am I supposed to stay at a place where he hurt me? " I questioned back.

" But how about the rest of us?! He's not the only one who miss you! We all care about you..." 

 My face turned into an unreadable expression. 

" I.....I'm sorry for that. The hurt was too big and there was a period where I had to go to another hospital for my cheeks surgery....Anyways, why is he.....he recovered? "

" Yeah....and I'm sorry too....but even if you don't want to forgive me, you really should forgive Mura....he felt so depressed. I've never seen him like that before ..." 

" I'll talk to him, I guessed I placed too much expectation on him, I overestimated him and I forgive you, you have nothing to do with it in the first place. " 

" Friends again? " He gave a small smile. 

" Nope,Best friends. " I smiled too. 

He hugged me tightly and I did the same. 

* Gurururururu * " Was that you? " I asked and teased him at the same time. 

" Hnn! Let's go down to eat! I'm hungry! " and he smiled before dragging me down. 

As he opened the door, everybody looked at us. I had a smile on my face too. 

Irie then widened his eyes before saying " Ayumi..Are you smiling?! That's one of the few times where you actually smiled since being here! " and all of the sudden, I just couldn't stand the irony of whatever that happen. 

" First I got cut by a glass chip, separated with my boyfriend, went to U-17 and made new friends, then they came and I talked to my best friend and realise that if you weren't the one who experienced the incident, you shoudn't judge- therefore, Seiichi.....I'm sorry....I didn't experience what you felt, I didn't know how tough it was. I shoudn't ask you to do something you can't....I....I'm sorry. "

I looked at him before walking towards him...... " Umm, may I talk to you? Do you mind? Just for awhile..." as I looked at him. He nodded at me and I walked towards the roof top again. I looked at him and we both sat at a bench. I thought ' Even though, I asked him to follow me...I don't know what to say......Ah! I know! '

" Um.."  We began at the same time. I looked towards him. He montioned me to start saying first. 

" Seiichi, are you okay? " 

" I'm okay...I get the reason why you said those words the other day. " 

 I nod my head. " Yeah..."

" I'm sorry for the accident I caused you...... -" He looks at me in the eye before grabbing my hands 

" -but if you can........will you be my girlfriend again? I can't focus without you.'re my life.  "

I stared off. " It's hard to trust soon...especially you.." but suddenly, the doors opened and Irie...the whole Hyotei and Rikkai tennis regulars burst out.

" BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! " They shouted.

Then Irie said " He needs you and you need him, be together! " 

and I blushed. " Fine then..."  before he took me in his arms and gave me a kiss. 


Suddenly Seiichi said " May I know why are you guys evasdropping on our conversation? " * death smile * and everybody backed away. 

Everybody ignored the painful screams from the rooftop. 


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> Mind voting for my story ~♥
> Love you ♥

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