Chapter 23 - Back together

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I quickly gave Seiichi a few calls and I was about to quickly ran to the train to ge to Kanagawa but Atobe grabbed my hand. " Ayumi. Take the helicopter! " and soon, me and Atobe was on the way to Rikkai.

I landed at the tennis courts and I quickly ran in and I saw the regulars and I asked them anxiously " Did you guys see Seiichi? " and they all shake their head. I looked around and thought of a location....his house. 

I quickly ran to this house and knock on the door. " Seiichi! " and somebody opened the door, it was Seiichi's mother. I bowed slightly and asked her " Hello. May I know if Seiichi is...." and she nod her head. " Please cheer him up! " and she gave a small meaningful smile. 

I quickly bow again before running to her room. I opened the door to see him on the bed, blanket covering her face. " Seii...listen to me." I said softly. I tried to pull at the blanket but was unable to as he held on them tightly. I sat at the side of the bed

" He kissed me by force.... I never expected him to do that..." and he peeked out of the cover a little. " Why should I trust you?" and I sigh before saying " I am your girlfriend and yet you don't trust me? " and he said " But we were separated for such a long period of time....what should I believe? " and I said " Then what is the meaning of a promise? Why are we together if trust is not place between us? Why am I here to clear up the misunderstanding...Why am I trying to pacify you after you told me you didn't trust me? Why? " and I looked at him in the eyes.

Suddenly I was pulled down by Seiichi. We were lying in a position where my back was facing his chest and I blushed. 

" Promise me that you'll never ever leave? Always by my side ? " and I smiled before whispering softly " Zutto. " * and I smiled as he pulled me closer. " I was very angry you know? I wanted to surprise you by visiting you and I saw you kissing a guy. He's also quite I thought you wanted to be with him instead of me...." and I smiled. 

" I don't like him.. " and I cuddled closer to him and I smiled.

Seiichi POV

When I saw the guy kissing MY Ayumi, I was furious, mad and angry. How could she betray me and I was about to give her a surprise too. I quickly ran home.

Atobe POV

When she was about to rush to Kanagawa, I saw the true love between her and Yukimura. When she asked the other regulars where he was, pain and sadness were on her face....when she went up Yukimura's house, Happiness were written on her face. I regretted breaking this beautiful couple up....I never expected them to be in love. I recalled what I have done some time ago....


" Lei Ayumi....can she join this school? Her studies and all are excellent.... "  My vice president asked me. I nod my head as I thought ' Lei Ayumi....I shall make you mine...' " Ore sama allow her to enter the school, but make all her sits to be near to mine...including the timetable. " and my vice left. 

Ore - Sama was the one who caused her to leave Rikkai....I shall give Rikkai back this student....


Sorry for not uploading for quite some time ^_^
Hope you like this Chapter!
* = Forever .
~ Ayumi =3= 

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